Planteome / plant-trait-ontology

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quality trait (TO:0000597) #260

Open planteome-user opened 10 years ago

planteome-user commented 10 years ago

Current def'n: quality trait (TO:0000597: Any trait contributing to the overall improvement of the product. Often associated to economical and or commercial importance.

Revised definitions:
quality trait (TO:0000597: A plant trait (TO:0000387 that is often associated with the commercial and /or economical value of the plant product, or its overall improvement.

Comment: Quality traits are often also classified as belonging to another upper level class such as: anatomy and morphology trait (TO:0000017, biochemical trait (TO:0000277, growth and development trait (TO:0000357, stature or vigor trait (TO:0000133 and so on.

Reported by: cooperl09

Original Ticket: obo/plant-trait-ontology-to-requests/260

marieALaporte commented 8 years ago

Current definition: A plant trait (TO:0000387) that is the commercial and /or economical value of the plant product, or its overall improvement. Source: GR:pj, TO:cooperl

@cooperl09 Can we consider that the traits related to nutritional worth or processing quality, fall under this class? Those terms don't directly fall into commercial or economical value. Would it be possible to update the definition to encompass these notions?

phismith commented 8 years ago

The root node of PATO is "quality"; hence we cannot re-use this term with another meaning. To find out what term (noun or noun phrase) we should use, we should first create a list of the relevant dimensions of quality (commercial, nutritional, etc.) BS

marieALaporte commented 8 years ago

Indeed the root node of PATO is "quality". But, for breeders, the term "quality" has a very specific meaning. I assume that, with the extension of ontologies to more and more domains, the terms have to be redundant. It is important that the term "quality trait" can be used in the reference ontology for plant traits. I believe that's where formal definitions have a role to play.

phismith commented 8 years ago

"quality trait" is acceptable with children such as

"commercial quality trait" "nutritional quality trait" and so forth

But then we still need an adequate general definition of "quality trait"

cooperl09 commented 6 years ago

Propose a revised name and definition for this branch:

plant quality trait (TO:0000597): A plant trait that contributes to the overall utility, nutritional, or economic value of a plant, plant structure or plant product. DxXref: ISBN: 9781118313718

Revised comment: Quality traits of a plant, plant structure or plant product vary from crop production to food consumption factors and may include organoleptic properties (flavor, aroma, appearance, texture, etc), storability, processing qualities and nutritional aspects. Market quality standards for crops are based on complex interaction of social, economic and biological factors and are highly crop-specific (Acquaah, 2012).

Plant traits from other upper level classes may contribute to (as part_of children) to specific plant quality traits.