Planteome / plant-trait-ontology

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Trait ontology suggestions #28

Closed planteome-user closed 9 years ago

planteome-user commented 16 years ago

Hi Pankaj,

Please find attached the document of TO suggestion and do needful



TO Term Suggested Parent Definition Reference PMID Contributor Iron content TO:0000465 The total iron ion content measured in a plant or a plant part. 17559517 Arul Prakasam Zinc content TO:0000465 The total zinc ion content measured in a plant or a plant part. 17559517 Arul Prakasam Manganese content TO:0000465 The total manganese ion content measured in a plant or a plant part. 17559517 Arul Prakasam Copper content TO:0000465 The total copper ion content measured in a plant or a plant part. 17559517 Arul Prakasam Nitrogen content TO:0000465 The total nitrogen content measured in a plant or a plant part. 17559517 Arul Prakasam Nitrate content Nitrogen content The total nitrate content measured in a plant or a plant part. 17559517 Arul Prakasam Stomatal process related trait TO:0000349 Trait associated with stomatal opening/closure/conductance/resistance process 12509525 Arul Prakasam Stomatal opening Stomatal process related trait A process of opening of stomatal pores 12509526 Arul Prakasam Sensitivity to nitrate TO:0000011 Sensitivity to the nitrate content in the growth medium 16415212 Arul Prakasam Mineral and ion transport trait TO:0000349 "Trait associated with directed movement of minerals and ions into, out of, within or between cells." 16415212 Arul Prakasam Nitrate transport Mineral and ion transport trait "Trait associated with directed movement of nitrate into, out of, within or between cells." 16415212 Arul Prakasam Nitrate uptake nitrate transport The total nitrate ion uptake measured in a plant or a plant part 16415212 Arul Prakasam Starch mobilization TO:0002658 Trait associated with directed movement of starch 15333754 Arul Prakasam Phosphate content TO:0001024 The total phosphate content measured in a plant or a plant part. 18263782 Arul Prakasam Adventitious rootless TO:0000198 Absence of adventitious roots in the plant 15960615 Arul Prakasam Adventitious root length TO:0000227 Average maximum length of adventitious root of a plant in a study 18317796 Arul Prakasam CW-cytoplasmic male sterility TO:0000580 Abnormal pollen germination 18308761 Arul Prakasam Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) content TO:0002672 Measures the IAA content in a plant or plant part. 17220367 Arul Prakasam Root cortical cell length TO:0000043 Length of the root cortical cell 18317796 Arul Prakasam Plant cell length TO:0002684 Length of the plant cell 18317796 Arul Prakasam Vascular bundle development trait TO:0006015 Traits associated with observing effects on the development of vascular bundle 12506001 Arul Prakasam Gynoecium development trait TO:0006022 Traits associated with observing effects on the development of the gynoecium 12506001 Arul Prakasam Ovary development trait Gynoecium development trait Traits associated with observing effects on the development of the ovary 12506001 Arul Prakasam Phosphorus toxicity TO:0000102 Accumulation of phosphate level in a plant or a plant part at toxic level 18263782 Arul Prakasam Leaf chlorosis TO:0000419 Leaf surface area affected by abiotic stresses like insecticides and cold temperature as evidenced by chlorotic tissue 18263782 Arul Prakasam Shoot phosphorus content TO:0001024 Amount of phosphorus in the shoot 18263782 Arul Prakasam chlorophyll fluorescence quenching TO:0000283 The process to maintain the balance between dissipation and utilization of light energy to minimize generation of oxidizing molecules 15952067 Arul Prakasam photochemical quenching chlorophyll fluorescence quenching 15952067 Arul Prakasam non photochemical quenching chlorophyll fluorescence quenching 15952067 Arul Prakasam neoxanthin content TO:0000301 The neoxanthin content in a plant or plant part 15952067 Arul Prakasam violaxanthin content TO:0000301 The violaxanthin content in a plant or plant part 15952067 Arul Prakasam

Reported by: bioinarul

Original Ticket: "obo/plant-trait-ontology-to-requests/27":

planteome-user commented 16 years ago

tab delimited txt file

Original comment by: bioinarul

planteome-user commented 13 years ago

[Term] id: TO:0020089 name: iron content def: "The total iron ion content measured in a plant or a plant part." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0000465 ! mineral and ion content related trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:02:53Z

[Term] id: TO:0020090 name: zinc content def: "The total zinc ion content measured in a plant or a plant part." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0000465 ! mineral and ion content related trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:02:53Z

[Term] id: TO:0020091 name: manganese content def: "The total manganese ion content measured in a plant or a plant part." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0000465 ! mineral and ion content related trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:02:53Z

[Term] id: TO:0020092 name: copper content def: "The total copper ion content measured in a plant or a plant part." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0000465 ! mineral and ion content related trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:02:53Z

[Term] id: TO:0020093 name: nitrogen content def: "The total nitrogen content measured in a plant or a plant part." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0000465 ! mineral and ion content related trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:02:53Z

[Term] id: TO:0020094 name: nitrate content def: "The total nitrate content measured in a plant or a plant part." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0020093 ! nitrogen content created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:02:53Z

[Term] id: TO:0020095 name: stomatal process related trait def: "Trait associated with any of the stomatal opening, closure, conductance, resistance process." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0000349 ! physiological process related trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:06:44Z

[Term] id: TO:0020096 name: mineral and ion transport trait def: "Trait associated with directed movement of minerals and ions into, out of, within or between cells." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0000349 ! physiological process related trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:08:23Z

[Term] id: TO:0020097 name: stomatal opening def: "A trait to measure the physiological parameters involved in the process of opening of stomatal pores." [GR:pj, TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0020095 ! stomatal process related trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:09:49Z

[Term] id: TO:0020098 name: nitrate sensitivity def: "A trait to measure the sensitivity to the nitrate content in the growth medium." [GR:pj, TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0000011 ! nitrogen sensitivity created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:11:32Z

[Term] id: TO:0020099 name: nitrate transport def: "Trait associated with directed movement of nitrate into, out of, within or between cells." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0020096 ! mineral and ion transport trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:13:47Z

[Term] id: TO:0020100 name: nitrate uptake def: "The total nitrate ion uptake measured in a plant or a plant part." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0020096 ! mineral and ion transport trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:13:47Z

[Term] id: TO:0020101 name: starch mobilization def: "Trait associated with directed movement of starch." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0020096 ! mineral and ion transport trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:13:47Z

[Term] id: TO:0020102 name: phosphate content def: "The total phosphate content measured in a plant or a plant part." [TO:contributors] synonym: "phosphate ion content" EXACT [] is_a: TO:0000465 ! mineral and ion content related trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:16:58Z

[Term] id: TO:0020103 name: adventitious root length def: "Average maximum length of adventitious root of a plant in a study." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0000227 ! root length created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:18:45Z

[Term] id: TO:0020104 name: adventitious rootless def: "Absence of adventitious roots in the plant." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0000084 ! root number created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:19:49Z

[Term] id: TO:0020105 name: CW-cytoplasmic male sterility def: "A trait to measure the CW type of ytoplasmic male sterility in plants." [TO:contributors] comment: Often measured by abnormal pollen germination. is_a: TO:0000580 ! cytoplasmic male sterility created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:21:39Z

[Term] id: TO:0020106 name: Indole-3-acetic acid content def: "Measures the IAA content in a plant or plant part." [TO:contributors] synonym: "IAA content" EXACT [] synonym: "Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) content" EXACT [] is_a: TO:0002672 ! auxin content created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:24:06Z

[Term] id: TO:0020107 name: plant cell length def: "A trait to measure the length of a plant cell." [GR:pj] is_a: TO:0002683 ! plant cell anatomy and morphology trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:25:39Z

[Term] id: TO:0020108 name: root cortical cell length def: "Length of the root epidermal cell length." [GR:pj] is_a: TO:0020107 ! plant cell length created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:26:36Z

[Term] id: TO:0020109 name: vascular bundle development trait def: "Traits associated with observing effects on the development of vascular bundle." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0000357 ! growth and development trait is_a: TO:0000470 ! vascular tissue related trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:27:34Z

[Term] id: TO:0020110 name: gynoecium development trait def: "Traits associated with observing effects on the development of the gynoecium." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0000357 ! growth and development trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:29:46Z

[Term] id: TO:0020111 name: ovary development trait def: "Traits associated with observing effects on the development of the ovary." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0020110 ! gynoecium development trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:30:47Z

[Term] id: TO:0020112 name: phosphorus toxicity def: "Accumulation of phosphate level in a plant or a plant part at toxic level." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0000102 ! phosphorus sensitivity created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:31:40Z

[Term] id: TO:0020114 name: shoot phosphorus content def: "Amount of phosphorus in the shoot." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0001024 ! phosphorus content created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:35:33Z

[Term] id: TO:0020115 name: chlorophyll fluorescence quenching def: "The process to maintain the balance between dissipation and utilization of light energy to minimize generation of oxidizing molecules." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0000349 ! physiological process related trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:36:34Z

[Term] id: TO:0020116 name: photochemical quenching def: "The process to maintain the balance between dissipation and utilization of light energy to minimize generation of oxidizing molecules under light conditions." [GR:pj, TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0000349 ! physiological process related trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:37:43Z

[Term] id: TO:0020117 name: non photochemical quenching def: "The process to maintain the balance between dissipation and utilization of light energy to minimize generation of oxidizing molecules under no light conditions." [GR:pj, TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0000349 ! physiological process related trait created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:37:43Z

[Term] id: TO:0020118 name: neoxanthin content def: "The neoxanthin content in a plant or plant part." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0000301 ! xanthophyll content created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:39:32Z

[Term] id: TO:0020119 name: violaxanthin content def: "The violaxanthin content in a plant or plant part." [TO:contributors] is_a: TO:0000301 ! xanthophyll content created_by: jaiswalp creation_date: 2011-08-19T04:40:04Z

Original comment by: jaiswalp