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stages: isa or partof? #281

Closed planteome-user closed 9 years ago

planteome-user commented 10 years ago

PO:0007615 ! flower development stage *\ [DEF: "A reproductive shoot system development stage (PO:0025530 which begins with the onset of the flower meristem transition stage (PO:0025588 and ends after the flowering stage (PO:0007616."]

This is a perfect definition. Here it is drawn out (with time running left to right)

    |--------- flower development stage -----------|
    |--FMTS------| ?????????????????  |----FS--| ???

From the definition and the diagram it's clear that FMST and FS are parts of FDS.

However, in PO, FMTS and FS are declared subclasses of FDS.

What does this mean? For one thing, the properties of the parent are inherited over subclass. This means that FS inherits the property of ending after FS (as this is declared in the definition of FDS). This is obviously not what was intended.

It follows from this that subclass doesn't make sense here. Either

  1. Change the relation to part_of OR
  2. Change the definition to "A reproductive shoot system development stage (PO:0025530) which is one of the stages that begins with the onset of the flower meristem transition stage (PO:0025588) and ends after the flowering stage (PO:0007616)."

Reported by: cmungall

Original Ticket: obo/plant-trait-ontology-to-requests/281

planteome-user commented 10 years ago
Hi Chris,
I appreciate you posting these comments on the tracker, but suggest this should really go on the relevant Plant Ontology tracker for flower development  stages:


On 7/5/14 12:30 PM, Chris Mungall wrote:

[plant-trait-ontology-to-requests:#281] stages: isa or partof?

Status: open
Branch: Anatomy or Morphology Trait
Created: Sat Jul 05, 2014 07:30 PM UTC by Chris Mungall
Last Updated: Sat Jul 05, 2014 07:30 PM UTC
Owner: nobody

PO:0007615 ! flower development stage **\* [DEF: "A reproductive shoot system development stage (PO:0025530) which begins with the onset of the flower meristem transition stage (PO:0025588) and ends after the flowering stage (PO:0007616)."]

This is a perfect definition. Here it is drawn out (with time running left to right)

    |--------- flower development stage -----------|
    |--FMTS------| ?????????????????  |----FS--| ???

From the definition and the diagram it's clear that FMST and FS are parts of FDS.

However, in PO, FMTS and FS are declared subclasses of FDS.

What does this mean? For one thing, the properties of the parent are inherited over subclass. This means that FS inherits the property of ending after FS (as this is declared in the definition of FDS). This is obviously not what was intended.

It follows from this that subclass doesn't make sense here. Either

  1. Change the relation to part_of OR
  2. Change the definition to "A reproductive shoot system development stage (PO:0025530) which is one of the stages that begins with the onset of the flower meristem transition stage (PO:0025588) and ends after the flowering stage (PO:0007616)."

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Laurel (Lol) Cooper, PhD
Coordinator, Plant Ontology Consortium
Dept. of Botany and Plant Pathology
Rm 3086, Cordley Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331

Phone: 541-737-5272
Fax: 541-737-3573
Skype: cooperlol910

Original comment by: cooperl09

planteome-user commented 10 years ago

Original comment by: cmungall

planteome-user commented 10 years ago

Move here:

Original comment by: cmungall