PlasmaControl / DESC

Stellarator Equilibrium and Optimization Suite
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s-alpha_MHD variation of a local equilibrium #1301

Open rahulgaur104 opened 4 days ago

rahulgaur104 commented 4 days ago

s = magnetic shear alpha_MHD = pressure gradient

To characterize any local equilibrium in tokamaks or stellarators, we can vary the s and/or α_MHD values while maintaining the local MHD force balance. By doing so, we gain insight into how changes in shear or pressure gradient affect equilibrium stability and transport. This approach helps us better understand the underlying physics of the equilibrium.

Typically, key quantities of interest, such as Mercier stability, ballooning stability, ripple, or heat fluxes, are represented as contour plots on an s-α_MHD​ diagram.

I aim to translate the VMEC code provided below into equivalent code in DESC. For this, I only need the output from DESC's Boozer transformation object.

#!/usr/bin/env python
This a Pythonized geometry module to read tokamak and stellarator equilibria from a VMEC file and caculate the geometric coefficients needed for a GX/GS2 run. Additionally, this module can vary the pressure and iota gradients self-consistently (while respecting MHD force balance) according to the work by Greene and Chance + Hegna and Nakajima and recalculate the geometry coefficients.

netcdf4, pip install netcdf4
booz_xform, pip install booz_xform

For axisymmetric equilibria
python <vmec_filename(with .nc)> 1 <desired output name>

For 3D equilibria
python <vmec_filename(with .nc)> 0 <desired output name>

A portion of this script is based on Matt Landreman's vmec_geometry module for the SIMSOPT framework.
For axisymmetric equilibria, make sure that ntor > 1 in the VMEC wout file.

Created: 21 Jan, 24

import numpy as np
import sys
from scipy.interpolate import InterpolatedUnivariateSpline
from scipy.integrate import cumulative_trapezoid as ctrap
from scipy.integrate import simpson as simps
from netCDF4 import Dataset as ds

import pdb

vmec_fname = sys.argv[1]
axisym = int(eval(sys.argv[2]))
eikfile = sys.argv[3]

mu_0 = 4 * np.pi * (1.0e-7)

########--------------------HELPER FUNCTIONS------------------------############

def nperiod_set(arr, npol, extend=True, brr=None):
    Contract or extend a large array to a smaller one.

    Truncates (or extends) an array to a smaller one. This function gives us the ability to truncate a variable to theta in [-pi, pi].

    arr: numpy array
    Input array of the dependent variable
    brr: numpy array
    Input array of the independent variable
    extend: boolean
    Whether to extend instead of contract a large array

    A truncated or extended array arr
    if extend is True and npol > 1:
        arr_temp0 = arr - (arr[0] + npol * np.pi)
        arr_temp1 = arr_temp0
        for i in np.arange(1, npol):
            arr_temp1 = np.concatenate((arr_temp1, arr_temp0[1:] + 2 * np.pi * i))

        arr = arr_temp1
    elif brr is None:  # contract the theta array
        eps = 1e-11
        arr_temp0 = arr[arr <= npol * np.pi + eps]
        arr_temp0 = arr_temp0[arr_temp0 >= -npol * np.pi - eps]
        arr = arr_temp0
    else:  # contract the non-theta array using the theta array brr
        eps = 1e-11
        arr_temp0 = arr[brr <= npol * np.pi + eps]
        brr_temp0 = brr[brr <= npol * np.pi + eps]
        arr_temp0 = arr_temp0[brr_temp0 >= -npol * np.pi - eps]
        brr_temp0 = brr_temp0[brr_temp0 >= -npol * np.pi - eps]
        arr = arr_temp0

    return arr

##############---------------EQUILIBRIUM CALC.------------------#################

class Struct:
    This class is just a dummy mutable object to which we can add attributes.

def vmec_splines(nc_obj, booz_obj, stellasym=False):
    Initialize radial splines for a VMEC equilibrium.

        vmec: a netCDF object

        A structure with the splines as attributes.
    results = Struct()

    rmnc_b = []
    zmns_b = []
    numns_b = []

    d_rmnc_b_d_s = []
    d_zmns_b_d_s = []
    d_numns_b_d_s = []

    ns = nc_obj.variables["ns"][:].data
    s_full_grid = np.linspace(0, 1, ns)
    s_half_grid = s_full_grid[1:] - 0.5 * np.diff(s_full_grid)[0]

    # Boozer quantities are calculated on the half grid by booz_xform
    for jmn in range(int(booz_obj.mnboz)):
            InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(s_half_grid, booz_obj.rmnc_b.T[:, jmn])
            InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(s_half_grid, booz_obj.zmns_b.T[:, jmn])
            InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(s_half_grid, booz_obj.numns_b.T[:, jmn])


    gmnc_b = []
    bmnc_b = []
    d_bmnc_b_d_s = []

    for jmn in range(int(booz_obj.mnboz)):
            InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(s_half_grid, booz_obj.gmnc_b.T[:, jmn])
            InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(s_half_grid, booz_obj.bmnc_b.T[:, jmn])

    if stellasym:
        # Creating lists for stellarator asymmetric quantities
        rmns_b = []
        zmnc_b = []
        numnc_b = []

        d_rmns_b_d_s = []
        d_zmnc_b_d_s = []
        d_numnc_b_d_s = []
        gmns_b = []
        bmns_b = []
        d_bmns_b_d_s = []
        # Boozer quantities are calculated on the half grid by booz_xform
        for jmn in range(int(booz_obj.mnboz)):
                InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(s_half_grid, booz_obj.rmns_b.T[:, jmn])
                InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(s_half_grid, booz_obj.zmnc_b.T[:, jmn])
                InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(s_half_grid, booz_obj.numnc_b.T[:, jmn])


        for jmn in range(int(booz_obj.mnboz)):
                InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(s_half_grid, booz_obj.gmns_b.T[:, jmn])
                InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(s_half_grid, booz_obj.bmns_b.T[:, jmn])

    results.Gfun = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(s_half_grid, booz_obj.Boozer_G)
    results.Ifun = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(s_half_grid, booz_obj.Boozer_I)

    # Useful 1d profiles:
    results.pressure = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
        s_half_grid, nc_obj.variables["pres"][1:]
    results.d_pressure_d_s = results.pressure.derivative()
    results.psi = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
        s_half_grid, nc_obj.variables["phi"][1:] / (2 * np.pi)
    results.d_psi_d_s = results.psi.derivative()
    results.iota = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
        s_half_grid, nc_obj.variables["iotas"][1:]
    results.d_iota_d_s = results.iota.derivative()

    # Save other useful quantities:
    results.phiedge = nc_obj.variables["phi"][-1].data
    variables = ["Aminor_p", "nfp", "raxis_cc", "mpol", "ntor"]
    for v in variables:
        results.__setattr__(v, eval("nc_obj.variables['" + v + "'][:].data"))

    variables1 = ["xm_b", "xn_b", "xm_nyq_b", "xn_nyq_b", "mnbooz", "mboz", "nboz"]
    variables2 = ["xm_b", "xn_b", "xm_b", "xn_b", "mnboz", "mboz", "nboz"]
    for k, v in enumerate(variables1):
        results.__setattr__(v, eval("booz_obj." + variables2[k]))

    if stellasym:
        variables = [
        variables = [
    for v in variables:
        results.__setattr__(v, eval(v))

    return results

#######################------------------GEOMETRY CALCULATION FUN--------------------####################

def vmec_fieldlines(
    Geometry routine for GX/GS2.

    Takes in a 1D theta or phi array in boozer coordinates, an array of flux surfaces,
    another array of field line labels and generates the coefficients needed for a local
    stability analysis.
    Additionally, this routinerecalculates the geometric coefficients if the user to wants to vary self-consistently the local pressure gradient and average shear and.
    s: List or numpy array
    The normalized toroidal flux psi/psi_boundary
    alpha: list or numpy array
    alpha = theta_b - iota * phi_b is the field line label
    theta1d: numpy array
    Boozer theta
    phi1d: numpy array
    Boozer phi
    sfac: float
    Local variation of the average shear, Geometry is calculated for a total shear of shear*sfac.
    So if want to calculate geometry at 2.5 x nominal shear, sfac = 2.5.
    sfac: float
    Local variation of the pressure gradient. Geometry is calculated for a pressure gradient of dpds*pfac

    gds22: numpy array
    Flux expansion term
    gds21 numpy array
    Integrated local shear
    gds2: numpy array
    Field line bending
    bmag: numpy array
    normalized magnetic field strength
    gradpar: numpy array
    Parallel gradient b dot grad phi
    gbdrift: numpy array
    Grad-B drift geometry factor
    cvdrift: numpy array
    Curvature drift geometry factor
    cvdrift0: numpy array
    theta_PEST: numpy array
    theta_PEST for the given theta_b array.
    theta_geo: numpy array
    geometric (arctan) theta for the given theta_b array.
    nc_obj = ds(vmec_fname, "r")

    mpol = nc_obj.variables["mpol"][:].data
    ntor = nc_obj.variables["ntor"][:].data

    vs = vmec_splines(nc_obj, booz_obj, stellasym=stellasym)

    # Make sure s is an array:
        ns = len(s)
        s = [s]
    s = np.array(s)
    ns = len(s)

    # Make sure alpha is an array
    # For axisymmetric equilibria, all field lines are identical, i.e., your choice of alpha doesn't matter
        nalpha = len(alpha)
        alpha = [alpha]
    alpha = np.array(alpha)
    nalpha = len(alpha)

    if (theta1d is not None) and (phi1d is not None):
        raise ValueError("You cannot specify both theta and phi")
    if (theta1d is None) and (phi1d is None):
        raise ValueError("You must specify either theta or phi")
    if theta1d is None:
        nl = len(phi1d)
        nl = len(theta1d)

    # Now that we have an s grid, evaluate everything on that grid:
    d_pressure_d_s = vs.d_pressure_d_s(s)
    d_psi_d_s = vs.d_psi_d_s(s)
    iota = vs.iota(s)
    d_iota_d_s = vs.d_iota_d_s(s)
    shat = (-2 * s / iota) * d_iota_d_s  # depends on the definitn of rho
    sqrt_s = np.sqrt(s)

    L_reference = vs.Aminor_p

    edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi = -vs.phiedge / (2 * np.pi)
    toroidal_flux_sign = np.sign(edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi)
    B_reference = 2 * abs(edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi) / (L_reference * L_reference)

    xm_b = vs.xm_b
    xn_b = vs.xn_b
    mnmax_b = vs.mnbooz

    G = vs.Gfun(s)
    d_G_d_s = vs.Gfun.derivative()(s)
    I = vs.Ifun(s)
    d_I_d_s = vs.Ifun.derivative()(s)

    rmnc_b = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    zmns_b = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    numns_b = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    d_rmnc_b_d_s = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    d_zmns_b_d_s = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    d_numns_b_d_s = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))

    gmnc_b = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    bmnc_b = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    d_bmnc_b_d_s = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))

    delmnc_b = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    lambmnc_b = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    betamns_b = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))

    for jmn in range(mnmax_b):
        rmnc_b[:, jmn] = vs.rmnc_b[jmn](s)
        zmns_b[:, jmn] = vs.zmns_b[jmn](s)
        numns_b[:, jmn] = vs.numns_b[jmn](s)
        d_rmnc_b_d_s[:, jmn] = vs.d_rmnc_b_d_s[jmn](s)
        d_zmns_b_d_s[:, jmn] = vs.d_zmns_b_d_s[jmn](s)
        d_numns_b_d_s[:, jmn] = vs.d_numns_b_d_s[jmn](s)
        gmnc_b[:, jmn] = vs.gmnc_b[jmn](s)
        bmnc_b[:, jmn] = vs.bmnc_b[jmn](s)
        d_bmnc_b_d_s[:, jmn] = vs.d_bmnc_b_d_s[jmn](s)

    # Import stellarator asymmetric quantities

    rmns_b = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    zmnc_b = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    #numns_b = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    numnc_b = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    d_rmns_b_d_s = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    d_zmnc_b_d_s = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    d_numnc_b_d_s = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))

    numnc_b = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    gmns_b = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    bmns_b = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    d_bmns_b_d_s = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))

    delmns_b = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    lambmns_b = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))
    betamnc_b = np.zeros((ns, mnmax_b))

    if stellasym:
        for jmn in range(mnmax_b):
            rmns_b[:, jmn] = vs.rmns_b[jmn](s)
            zmnc_b[:, jmn] = vs.zmnc_b[jmn](s)
            numnc_b[:, jmn] = vs.numnc_b[jmn](s)
            d_rmns_b_d_s[:, jmn] = vs.d_rmns_b_d_s[jmn](s)
            d_zmnc_b_d_s[:, jmn] = vs.d_zmnc_b_d_s[jmn](s)
            d_numnc_b_d_s[:, jmn] = vs.d_numnc_b_d_s[jmn](s)
            gmns_b[:, jmn] = vs.gmns_b[jmn](s)
            bmns_b[:, jmn] = vs.bmns_b[jmn](s)
            d_bmns_b_d_s[:, jmn] = vs.d_bmns_b_d_s[jmn](s)

    theta_b = np.zeros((ns, nalpha, nl))
    phi_b = np.zeros((ns, nalpha, nl))

    Vprime = np.zeros((ns, 1))

    if theta1d is None:
        # We are given phi_boozer. Compute theta_boozer
        for js in range(ns):
            phi_b[js, :, :] = phi1d[None, :]
            theta_b[js, :, :] = alpha[:, None] + iota[js] * (phi1d[None, :])
        # We are given theta_pest. Compute phi:
        for js in range(ns):
            theta_b[js, :, :] = theta1d[None, :]
            phi_b[js, :, :] = (theta1d[None, :] - alpha[:, None]) / iota[js]

    # Now that we know theta_boozer, compute all the geometric quantities
    angle_b = (
        xm_b[:, None, None, None] * (theta_b[None, :, :, :])
        - xn_b[:, None, None, None] * phi_b[None, :, :, :]
    cosangle_b = np.cos(angle_b)
    sinangle_b = np.sin(angle_b)

    R_b = np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", rmnc_b, cosangle_b) + np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", rmns_b, sinangle_b)
    Z_b = np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", zmns_b, sinangle_b) + np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", zmnc_b, cosangle_b)

    flipit = 0.0

    if axisym:
        # if R is increasing AND Z is decreasing, we must be moving counter clockwise from
        # the inboard side, otherwise we need to flip the theta coordinate
        if R_b[0][0][0] > R_b[0][0][1] or Z_b[0][0][1] > Z_b[0][0][0]:
            flipit = 1
    else:  # we disable flipit
        flipit = 0

    R_mag_ax = vs.raxis_cc[0]

    #####################------------BOOZER CALCULATIONS--------------###################

    if flipit == 1:
        angle_b = (
            xm_b[:, None, None, None] * (theta_b[None, :, :, :] + np.pi)
            - xn_b[:, None, None, None] * phi_b
        angle_b = (
            xm_b[:, None, None, None] * theta_b[None, :, :, :]
            - xn_b[:, None, None, None] * phi_b

    cosangle_b = np.cos(angle_b)
    sinangle_b = np.sin(angle_b)
    mcosangle_b = xm_b[:, None, None, None] * cosangle_b
    ncosangle_b = xn_b[:, None, None, None] * cosangle_b
    msinangle_b = xm_b[:, None, None, None] * sinangle_b
    nsinangle_b = xn_b[:, None, None, None] * sinangle_b
    # Order of indices in cosangle_b and sinangle_b: mn_b, s, alpha, l
    # Order of indices in rmnc, bmnc, etc: s, mn_b
    R_b = np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", rmnc_b, cosangle_b) + np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", rmns_b, sinangle_b)
    d_R_b_d_s = np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", d_rmnc_b_d_s, cosangle_b) + np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", d_rmns_b_d_s, sinangle_b)
    d_R_b_d_theta_b = -np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", rmnc_b, msinangle_b) + np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", rmns_b, mcosangle_b)
    d_R_b_d_phi_b = np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", rmnc_b, nsinangle_b) - np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", rmns_b, ncosangle_b)

    Z_b = np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", zmns_b, sinangle_b) + np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", zmnc_b, cosangle_b)
    d_Z_b_d_s = np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", d_zmns_b_d_s, sinangle_b) + np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", d_zmnc_b_d_s, cosangle_b)
    d_Z_b_d_theta_b = np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", zmns_b, mcosangle_b) - np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", zmnc_b, msinangle_b)
    d_Z_b_d_phi_b = -np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", zmns_b, ncosangle_b) + np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", zmnc_b, nsinangle_b)

    nu_b = np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", numns_b, sinangle_b) + np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", numnc_b, cosangle_b)
    d_nu_b_d_s = np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", d_numns_b_d_s, sinangle_b) + np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", d_numnc_b_d_s, cosangle_b)
    d_nu_b_d_theta_b = np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", numns_b, mcosangle_b) - np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", numnc_b, msinangle_b)
    d_nu_b_d_phi_b = -np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", numns_b, ncosangle_b) + np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", numnc_b, nsinangle_b)

    # sqrt_g_booz = (G + iota * I)/B**2
    sqrt_g_booz = np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", gmnc_b, cosangle_b) + np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", gmns_b, sinangle_b)
    d_sqrt_g_booz_d_theta_b = -np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", gmnc_b, msinangle_b) + np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", gmns_b, mcosangle_b)
    d_sqrt_g_booz_d_phi_b = np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", gmnc_b, nsinangle_b) - np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", gmns_b, ncosangle_b)
    modB_b = np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", bmnc_b, cosangle_b) + np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", bmns_b, sinangle_b)
    d_B_b_d_s = np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", d_bmnc_b_d_s, cosangle_b) + np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", d_bmns_b_d_s, sinangle_b)

    Vprime = gmnc_b[:, 0] + gmns_b[:, 0]

    delmnc_b[:, 1:] =  gmnc_b[:, 1:] / Vprime[:, None]
    delmns_b[:, 1:] =  gmns_b[:, 1:] / Vprime[:, None]

    betamns_b[:, 1:] = (
        delmnc_b[:, 1:] 
        * 1
        / edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi
        * mu_0
        * d_pressure_d_s[:, None]
        * Vprime[:, None]
        / (xm_b[1:] * iota[:, None] - xn_b[1:])

    betamnc_b[:, 1:] = (
        delmns_b[:, 1:] 
        * 1
        / edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi
        * mu_0
        * d_pressure_d_s[:, None]
        * Vprime[:, None]
        / (xm_b[1:] * iota[:, None] - xn_b[1:])

    lambmnc_b[:, 1:] = (
        delmnc_b[:, 1:]
        * (xm_b[1:] * G[:, None] + xn_b[1:] * I[:, None])
        / (
            (xm_b[1:] * iota[:, None] - xn_b[1:])
            * (G[:, None] + iota[:, None] * I[:, None])

    lambmns_b[:, 1:] = (
        delmns_b[:, 1:]
        * (xm_b[1:] * G[:, None] + xn_b[1:] * I[:, None])
        / (
            (xm_b[1:] * iota[:, None] - xn_b[1:])
            * (G[:, None] + iota[:, None] * I[:, None])

    beta_b = np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", betamns_b, sinangle_b) + np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", betamnc_b, cosangle_b)
    lambda_b = np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", lambmnc_b, cosangle_b) + np.einsum("ij,jikl->ikl", lambmns_b, sinangle_b)

    # Using R(theta,phi) and Z(theta,phi), compute the Cartesian
    # components of the gradient basis vectors using the dual relations:
    # This calculation is done in Boozer coordinates
    phi_cyl = phi_b - nu_b
    sinphi = np.sin(phi_cyl)
    cosphi = np.cos(phi_cyl)
    # X = R * cos(phi):
    d_X_d_theta_b = d_R_b_d_theta_b * cosphi - R_b * sinphi * (-1 * d_nu_b_d_theta_b)
    d_X_d_phi_b = d_R_b_d_phi_b * cosphi - R_b * sinphi * (1 - d_nu_b_d_phi_b)
    d_X_d_s = d_R_b_d_s * cosphi - R_b * sinphi * (-1 * d_nu_b_d_s)
    # Y = R * sin(phi):
    d_Y_d_theta_b = d_R_b_d_theta_b * sinphi + R_b * cosphi * (-1 * d_nu_b_d_theta_b)
    d_Y_d_phi_b = d_R_b_d_phi_b * sinphi + R_b * cosphi * (1 - d_nu_b_d_phi_b)
    d_Y_d_s = d_R_b_d_s * sinphi + R_b * cosphi * (-1 * d_nu_b_d_s)

    # Dual relations
    grad_psi_X = (
        d_Y_d_theta_b * d_Z_b_d_phi_b - d_Z_b_d_theta_b * d_Y_d_phi_b
    ) / sqrt_g_booz
    grad_psi_Y = (
        d_Z_b_d_theta_b * d_X_d_phi_b - d_X_d_theta_b * d_Z_b_d_phi_b
    ) / sqrt_g_booz
    grad_psi_Z = (
        d_X_d_theta_b * d_Y_d_phi_b - d_Y_d_theta_b * d_X_d_phi_b
    ) / sqrt_g_booz

    g_sup_psi_psi = grad_psi_X**2 + grad_psi_Y**2 + grad_psi_Z**2

    # Check varible names
    grad_theta_b_X = (d_Y_d_phi_b * d_Z_b_d_s - d_Z_b_d_phi_b * d_Y_d_s) / (
        sqrt_g_booz * edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi
    grad_theta_b_Y = (d_Z_b_d_phi_b * d_X_d_s - d_X_d_phi_b * d_Z_b_d_s) / (
        sqrt_g_booz * edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi
    grad_theta_b_Z = (d_X_d_phi_b * d_Y_d_s - d_Y_d_phi_b * d_X_d_s) / (
        sqrt_g_booz * edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi

    grad_phi_b_X = (d_Y_d_s * d_Z_b_d_theta_b - d_Z_b_d_s * d_Y_d_theta_b) / (
        sqrt_g_booz * edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi
    grad_phi_b_Y = (d_Z_b_d_s * d_X_d_theta_b - d_X_d_s * d_Z_b_d_theta_b) / (
        sqrt_g_booz * edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi
    grad_phi_b_Z = (d_X_d_s * d_Y_d_theta_b - d_Y_d_s * d_X_d_theta_b) / (
        sqrt_g_booz * edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi

    grad_alpha_X = (
        -phi_b * d_iota_d_s[:, None, None] * grad_psi_X / edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi
        + grad_theta_b_X
        - iota[:, None, None] * grad_phi_b_X
    grad_alpha_Y = (
        -phi_b * d_iota_d_s[:, None, None] * grad_psi_Y / edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi
        + grad_theta_b_Y
        - iota[:, None, None] * grad_phi_b_Y
    grad_alpha_Z = (
        -phi_b * d_iota_d_s[:, None, None] * grad_psi_Z / edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi
        + grad_theta_b_Z
        - iota[:, None, None] * grad_phi_b_Z

    ##############------------LOCAL VARIATION OF A 3D EQUILIBRIUM------------############
    # Calculating the coefficients D1 and D2 needed for Hegna-Nakajima calculation
    # NOTE: 2D functions do not require the alpha dimension. Remove it later.
    # NOTE: This calculation needs to be wrapped in a loop over ns (flux surfaces)
    ## Full flux surface average of various quantities needed to calculate D_HNGC
    ntheta_grid = res_theta
    nphi_grid = res_phi
    theta_b_grid = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, ntheta_grid)
    phi_b_grid = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, nphi_grid)
    th_b_2D, ph_b_2D = np.meshgrid(theta_b_grid, phi_b_grid)

    # grid_structure = (idx_val, ns, nalpha, ntheta_grid, nphi_grid)
    if flipit == 1:
        angle_b_2D = (
            xm_b[:, None, None, None, None] * (th_b_2D[None, None, None, :, :] + np.pi)
            - xn_b[:, None, None, None, None] * ph_b_2D[None, None, None, :, :]
        angle_b_2D = (
            xm_b[:, None, None, None, None] * (th_b_2D[None, None, None, :, :])
            - xn_b[:, None, None, None, None] * ph_b_2D[None, None, None, :, :]

    cosangle_b_2D = np.cos(angle_b_2D)
    sinangle_b_2D = np.sin(angle_b_2D)

    mcosangle_b_2D = xm_b[:, None, None, None, None] * cosangle_b_2D
    ncosangle_b_2D = xn_b[:, None, None, None, None] * cosangle_b_2D
    msinangle_b_2D = xm_b[:, None, None, None, None] * sinangle_b_2D
    nsinangle_b_2D = xn_b[:, None, None, None, None] * sinangle_b_2D

    lambda_b_2D = np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", lambmnc_b, cosangle_b_2D) + np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", lambmns_b, sinangle_b_2D)

    R_b_2D = np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", rmnc_b, cosangle_b_2D) + np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", rmns_b, sinangle_b_2D)
    d_R_b_d_theta_b_2D = -np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", rmnc_b, msinangle_b_2D) + np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", rmns_b, mcosangle_b_2D)
    d_R_b_d_phi_b_2D = np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", rmnc_b, nsinangle_b_2D) - np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", rmns_b, ncosangle_b_2D)

    d_Z_b_d_theta_b_2D = np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", zmns_b, mcosangle_b_2D) - np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", zmnc_b, msinangle_b_2D)
    d_Z_b_d_phi_b_2D = -np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", zmns_b, ncosangle_b_2D) + np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", zmnc_b, nsinangle_b_2D)

    nu_b_2D = np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", numns_b, sinangle_b_2D) + np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", numnc_b, cosangle_b_2D)
    d_nu_b_d_theta_b_2D = np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", numns_b, mcosangle_b_2D) - np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", numnc_b, msinangle_b_2D)
    d_nu_b_d_phi_b_2D = -np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", numns_b, ncosangle_b_2D) + np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", numnc_b, nsinangle_b_2D)

    sqrt_g_booz_2D = np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", gmnc_b, cosangle_b_2D) + np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", gmns_b, sinangle_b_2D)
    modB_b_2D = np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", bmnc_b, cosangle_b_2D) + np.einsum("ij,jiklm->iklm", bmns_b, sinangle_b_2D)

    # We repeat the above exercise to calculate R and Z but use a 2D
    # (theta, phi) grid. This is used to calculate the deformation
    # coefficients that give us the local equilibrium variation
    ph_nat_2D = ph_b_2D - nu_b_2D
    sinphi_2D = np.sin(ph_nat_2D)
    cosphi_2D = np.cos(ph_nat_2D)
    # X = R * cos(phi):
    d_X_d_th_b_2D = d_R_b_d_theta_b_2D * cosphi_2D - R_b_2D * sinphi_2D * (
        -1 * d_nu_b_d_theta_b_2D
    d_X_d_phi_2D = d_R_b_d_phi_b_2D * cosphi_2D - R_b_2D * sinphi_2D * (
        1 - d_nu_b_d_phi_b_2D
    # Y = R * sin(phi):
    d_Y_d_th_b_2D = d_R_b_d_theta_b_2D * sinphi_2D + R_b_2D * cosphi_2D * (
        -1 * d_nu_b_d_theta_b_2D
    d_Y_d_phi_2D = d_R_b_d_phi_b_2D * sinphi_2D + R_b_2D * cosphi_2D * (
        1 - d_nu_b_d_phi_b_2D

    grad_psi_X_2D = (
        d_Y_d_th_b_2D * d_Z_b_d_phi_b_2D - d_Z_b_d_theta_b_2D * d_Y_d_phi_2D
    ) / sqrt_g_booz_2D
    grad_psi_Y_2D = (
        d_Z_b_d_theta_b_2D * d_X_d_phi_2D - d_X_d_th_b_2D * d_Z_b_d_phi_b_2D
    ) / sqrt_g_booz_2D
    grad_psi_Z_2D = (
        d_X_d_th_b_2D * d_Y_d_phi_2D - d_Y_d_th_b_2D * d_X_d_phi_2D
    ) / sqrt_g_booz_2D

    g_sup_psi_psi_2D = grad_psi_X_2D**2 + grad_psi_Y_2D**2 + grad_psi_Z_2D**2
    g_sup_psi_psi_2D_inv = 1 / g_sup_psi_psi_2D

    lam_over_g_sup_psi_psi_2D = lambda_b_2D * g_sup_psi_psi_2D_inv

    # Flux surface integrals D1 and D2 are needed to locally vary the gradients of a 3D equilibrium.
    # D1 and D2 are constant for a fixed s, alpha, theta_0, sfac, pfac, phi_b_grid, theta_b_grid

    D1 = np.zeros((ns,))
    D2 = np.zeros((ns,))

    for i in range(ns):
        D1[i] = (
                    simps(g_sup_psi_psi_1D_inv, theta_b_grid)
                    for g_sup_psi_psi_1D_inv in g_sup_psi_psi_2D_inv[i][0]
            / (2 * np.pi) ** 2

        D2[i] = (
                    simps(lam_over_g_sup_psi_psi_1D, theta_b_grid)
                    for lam_over_g_sup_psi_psi_1D in lam_over_g_sup_psi_psi_2D[i][0]
            / (2 * np.pi) ** 2

    #x = np.abs(d_G_d_s[:, None, None] + iota[:, None, None] * d_I_d_s[:, None, None] + mu_0 * d_pressure_d_s[:, None, None] * Vprime[:, None, None])

    ## EQUILIBRIUM CHECK: Flux surface averaged MHD force balance.
    #    np.abs(d_G_d_s[:, None, None]
    #    + iota[:, None, None] * d_I_d_s[:, None, None]
    #    + mu_0 * d_pressure_d_s[:, None, None] * Vprime[:, None, None]),
    #    1e-3,
    #    atol=1e-3,

    # integrated inverse flux expansion term
    intinv_g_sup_psi_psi = ctrap(1 / g_sup_psi_psi, phi_b, initial=0)
    int_lambda_div_g_sup_psi_psi = ctrap(lambda_b / g_sup_psi_psi, phi_b, initial=0)

    # This theta_0 should always be 0
    theta_0 = 0
    spl0 = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(theta_b[0][0], intinv_g_sup_psi_psi[0][0])
    intinv_g_sup_psi_psi = intinv_g_sup_psi_psi - spl0(theta_0)

    spl1 = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(
        theta_b[0][0], int_lambda_div_g_sup_psi_psi[0][0]
    int_lambda_div_g_sup_psi_psi = int_lambda_div_g_sup_psi_psi - spl1(theta_0)

    # Additional shear and pressure gradient (in addn. to the nominal vals)
    d_iota_d_s_1 = (
        -(iota[:, None, None, None, None] / (2 * s[:, None, None, None, None]))
        * (sfac[None, None, None, :, None] - 1.0)
        * shat[:, None, None, None, None]
    d_pressure_d_s_1 = (
        * (pfac[None, None, None, None, :] - 1.0)
        * d_pressure_d_s[:, None, None, None, None]

    # The deformation term from Hegna-Nakajima and Green-Chance papers
    # index order = (ns, nalpha, nl, sfac, pfac)
    D_HNGC = (
        / edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi
        * (
            * (
                intinv_g_sup_psi_psi[:, :, :, None, None]
                / D1[:, None, None, None, None]
                - phi_b[:, :, :, None, None]
            - d_pressure_d_s_1
            * Vprime[:, None, None, None, None]
            * (
                G[:, None, None, None, None]
                + iota[:, None, None, None, None] * I[:, None, None, None, None]
            * (
                int_lambda_div_g_sup_psi_psi[:, :, :, None, None]
                - D2[:, None, None, None, None]
                * intinv_g_sup_psi_psi[:, :, :, None, None]
                / D1[:, None, None, None, None]

    # Now we recalculate some of the geometric coefficients in Boozer coordinates
    # Partially calculated in boozer coordinates
    grad_alpha_dot_grad_psi = (
        grad_alpha_X * grad_psi_X
        + grad_alpha_Y * grad_psi_Y
        + grad_alpha_Z * grad_psi_Z

    # Intergrated local shear L1 is calculated using covariant basis
    # expressions in Hegna and Nakajima
    # We remove the secular part form the integrated local shear grad_alpha_dot_grad_psi_alt
    # NOTE: Potential sign issue here
    L0 = -1 * (
        grad_alpha_dot_grad_psi[:, :, :, None, None]
        / g_sup_psi_psi[:, :, :, None, None]
        + 1
        / edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi
        * d_iota_d_s[:, None, None, None, None]
        * phi_b[:, :, :, None, None]

    # L1 is the integrated local shear
    L1 = (
        -1 / edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi * d_iota_d_s_1 * phi_b[:, :, :, None, None]
        + grad_alpha_dot_grad_psi[:, :, :, None, None]
        / g_sup_psi_psi[:, :, :, None, None]
        - D_HNGC

    L2 = d_iota_d_s[:, None, None, None, None] * 1 / edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi

    # Normal curvature
    # NOTE: Test a case close to a rational surface to check the sign of beta_b
    kappa_n = (
        / modB_b[:, :, :, None, None] ** 2
        * (
            modB_b[:, :, :, None, None] * d_B_b_d_s[:, :, :, None, None]
            + mu_0 * d_pressure_d_s[:, None, None, None, None]
        * 1
        / edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi
        - beta_b[:, :, :, None, None]
        / (
            * sqrt_g_booz[:, :, :, None, None]
            * (
                G[:, None, None, None, None]
                + iota[:, None, None, None, None] * I[:, None, None, None, None]
        * d_sqrt_g_booz_d_phi_b[:, :, :, None, None]
        + L0
        * (
            G[:, None, None, None, None] * d_sqrt_g_booz_d_theta_b[:, :, :, None, None]
            - I[:, None, None, None, None] * d_sqrt_g_booz_d_phi_b[:, :, :, None, None]
        / (
            * sqrt_g_booz[:, :, :, None, None]
            * (
                G[:, None, None, None, None]
                + iota[:, None, None, None, None] * I[:, None, None, None, None]

    # Geodesic curvature
    kappa_g = (
        G[:, None, None, None, None] * d_sqrt_g_booz_d_theta_b[:, :, :, None, None]
        - I[:, None, None, None, None] * d_sqrt_g_booz_d_phi_b[:, :, :, None, None]
    ) / (
        * sqrt_g_booz[:, :, :, None, None]
        * (
            G[:, None, None, None, None]
            + iota[:, None, None, None, None] * I[:, None, None, None, None]

    B_cross_kappa_dot_grad_alpha_b = (kappa_n + kappa_g * L1) * modB_b[
        :, :, :, None, None
    ] ** 2

    B_cross_kappa_dot_grad_psi_b = kappa_g * modB_b[:, :, :, None, None] ** 2

    grad_alpha_dot_grad_alpha_b = (
        modB_b[:, :, :, None, None] ** 2 / g_sup_psi_psi[:, :, :, None, None]
        + g_sup_psi_psi[:, :, :, None, None] * L1**2
    grad_alpha_dot_grad_psi_b = g_sup_psi_psi[:, :, :, None, None] * L1
    grad_psi_dot_grad_psi_b = (
        g_sup_psi_psi[:, :, :, None, None] * L2
    )  # This is wrong. L2 should be different

    ## Now we calculate the same set of quantities in boozer coordinates after varying the
    ## local gradients.
    bmag = modB_b[:, :, :, None, None] / B_reference
    gradpar_theta_b = (
        / modB_b[:, :, :, None, None]
        * 1
        / sqrt_g_booz[:, :, :, None, None]
        * iota[:, None, None, None, None]
    gradpar_theta_PEST = (
        * iota[:, None, None, None, None]
        * 1
        / modB_b[:, :, :, None, None]
        * 1
        / sqrt_g_booz[:, :, :, None, None]
        * (1 - d_nu_b_d_theta_b[:, :, :, None, None])
    gradpar_phi = (
        L_reference / modB_b[:, :, :, None, None] * 1 / sqrt_g_booz[:, :, :, None, None]

    gds2 = (
        * L_reference
        * L_reference
        * s[:, None, None, None, None]
    gds21 = (
        * sfac[None, None, None, :, None]
        * shat[:, None, None, None, None]
        / B_reference
    gds22 = (
        g_sup_psi_psi[:, :, :, None, None]
        * (sfac[None, None, None, :, None] * shat[:, None, None, None, None]) ** 2
        / (
            * L_reference
            * B_reference
            * B_reference
            * s[:, None, None, None, None]

    grho = np.sqrt(
        g_sup_psi_psi[:, :, :, None, None]
        / (
            * L_reference
            * B_reference
            * B_reference
            * s[:, None, None, None, None]

    gbdrift0 = (
        * B_cross_kappa_dot_grad_psi_b
        * 2
        * sfac[None, None, None, :, None]
        * shat[:, None, None, None, None]
        / (modB_b[:, :, :, None, None] ** 2 * sqrt_s[:, None, None, None, None])
        * toroidal_flux_sign
    cvdrift0 = gbdrift0

    cvdrift = (
        * 2
        * B_reference
        * L_reference
        * L_reference
        * sqrt_s[:, None, None, None, None]
        * B_cross_kappa_dot_grad_alpha_b
        / (modB_b[:, :, :, None, None] ** 2)
        * toroidal_flux_sign

    gbdrift = cvdrift + 2 * B_reference * L_reference * L_reference * sqrt_s[
        :, None, None, None, None
    ] * mu_0 * pfac * d_pressure_d_s[:, None, None, None, None] * toroidal_flux_sign / (
        edge_toroidal_flux_over_2pi * modB_b[:, :, :, None, None] ** 2

    cvdrift0 = gbdrift0
    # PEST theta; useful for comparison
    theta_PEST = (
        theta_b[:, :, :, None, None]
        - iota[:, None, None, None, None] * nu_b[:, :, :, None, None]

    # geometric theta; denotes the actual poloidal angle
    theta_geo = np.arctan2(
        Z_b[:, :, :, None, None], R_b[:, :, :, None, None] - R_mag_ax

    # This is half of the total beta_N. Used in GS2 as beta_ref
    beta_N = 4 * np.pi * 1e-7 * vs.pressure(s) / B_reference**2

    int_loc_shr = L0 + L1 + L2
    # Package results into a structure to return:
    results = Struct()
    variables = [

    for v in variables:
        results.__setattr__(v, eval(v))

    return results
dpanici commented 2 days ago

BoozerSurface type class could help #1306