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Host in-person PlasmaPy workshop #7

Open rocco8773 opened 1 year ago

rocco8773 commented 1 year ago

Outline and brainstorm document started by @namurphy on,

Top line questions:

  1. What is the goal of the workshop?
    • Develop long term contributors.
    • More like a summer school.
  2. Who is the workshop intended for?
    • For new contributors.
    • For people who want to become long term contributors.
  3. How long should the workshop be?
    • If there's a free form coding session then it has to be 5 days.
  4. Where will it be hosted?
    • CfA or Bryn Mawr
  5. Who is invited?
  6. How many attendees can we fund?
  7. How does the workshop differ from the Hack Week?
  8. What is the theme for the workshop?