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Make #110 display user's timezone calendar #111

Open StanczakDominik opened 3 years ago

StanczakDominik commented 3 years ago

Erik's embed in #110 is basically

But suppose we e.g. had a piece of javascript that did this dynamically, using maybe something like, then generated that embed dynamically?

Anyone know javascript?

zorjo commented 2 years ago

Maybe something like console.log(Intl.DateTimeFormat().resolvedOptions().timeZone.replace("/","%2F")) would be used in place of ctz and the other part can be concateneted?

StanczakDominik commented 2 years ago

Could be! Wanna give it a try? :)

zorjo commented 2 years ago

I just sent over a pull request for you folks! Hope it helps. #115

Bodasaieswar commented 1 month ago

if it is still open., i can work on it