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List open source plasma physics packages #9

Open StanczakDominik opened 6 years ago

StanczakDominik commented 6 years ago

In the words of the wise @namurphy,

That reminds me... It would be great to have a page on our website that lists other open source packages in plasma physics. I would really like to emphasize the open source packages that exist already.

We should make sure that the packages have an Open Source Initiative approved license, or at the very least meet their definition of open source.

The primary tools for this one: listing known plasma open source packages here, and google. Once we have a bunch, we'll add them to the website.

I'll go through my stars on GitHub tomorrow and add a bunch of those.

namurphy commented 6 years ago

For reference:

StanczakDominik commented 6 years ago

I'll list relevant repositories I found for now:

namurphy commented 6 years ago
namurphy commented 6 years ago

Some more possibilities:

namurphy commented 6 years ago

Oh right...we should probably also link to more general Python packages (e.g., NumPy, SciPy, h5py, pytables, yt, pandas, xarray, numba, cython, SymPy, matplotlib) as well as related Python packages such as Astropy and SunPy, since all of these may be useful for plasma physicists.

namurphy commented 6 years ago