Plasmatree / PID-Analyzer

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How to Use - MacOSX #15

Open Bradw-17 opened 6 years ago

Bradw-17 commented 6 years ago



Python 2.7( PIP: ( Homebrew + Git: (…) Xcode: (

Open Terminal - Do:

git clone

cd blackbox-tools

brew install cairo --without-x11 pkg-config


cd ..

git clone

cd PID-Analyzer

pip install -r requirements.txt

Normal Use in Terminal:

cd PID-Analyzer

python --blackbox_decode ../blackbox-tools/obj/blackbox_decode -l (path_to_the_file.BBL)

path_to_the_file.BBL > Drag and drop log to TERMINAL window

Hit enter and boom!

Credit: Martin Hapl

Plasmatree commented 6 years ago

Great! Will add to the wiki :)

haplm commented 6 years ago

Brad, I was going to do the same thing (open an issue with this), and saw you did it already, and even cleaned up our conversation. Thanks man!

Bradw-17 commented 6 years ago

@haplm you deserve the credit! thanks for teaching me

Plasmatree commented 6 years ago

Installing python and running the .py works on every platform. On Linux you don't even need to install python since it's already there! The reason for a win executable is to enable at least for some people a solution without all this.

If you just install anaconda with python 2.7 everything should be there! (and you can also start programming your own stuff, which is awsome! )

If you also need an editor, try PyCharm ;)

Bradw-17 commented 6 years ago

The convo on FB was deleted, what were the command lines for updating again?

haplm commented 6 years ago
cd PID-Analyzer
git pull

optionally 'pip install -r requirements.txt'

Bradw-17 commented 5 years ago

From Kevin on the BF Slack:

"At least on Linux the problem is, that the check in line 365 "if str(np.shape(l))=='(4L, 2L)'" fails since the string seems to be different on Windows than on Linux (and probably Mac too). Changing this line to "if np.shape(l) == (4,2):" should fix the problem and you'll have the exact same scale as on Windows."

sjpagna commented 4 years ago

Hi, in my case, this application not generate png image on tmp folder :-( Any solution ?

Bradw-17 commented 4 years ago

@sjpagna just use PIDToolBox:

Plasmatree unfortunately is dead.