PlasmoHQ / plasmo

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[BUG] executeScript with async func #1009

Open younes200 opened 2 weeks ago

younes200 commented 2 weeks ago

What happened?

Hi, I am trying to execute an asynchronous function in popup.tsx as shown by this simple example:

async function test () {
          return new Promise((resolve) =>
            resolve(["hello", "world"]),

  onClick={() => {
    chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, (tabs) => {
      const { id } = tabs[0];
        target: { tabId: id },
        world: "MAIN",
        func: test
        args: [],
  Async function call

Manifest permissions includes : activeTab, scripting.

The issue appears to be with using async with plasmo. It works fine when the function is not async, which implies that chrome.scripting.executeScript can handle asynchronous calls, but not when you use it with plasmo.

If anyone could provide some assistance with this issue, it would be greatly appreciated.



What OS are you seeing the problem on?


What browsers are you seeing the problem on?


Relevant log output

Exception : 

Uncaught ReferenceError: _func is not defined
    at func (<anonymous>:2:37)
    at <anonymous>:3:35

Generated coded :

(function func() {
    return _func.apply(this, arguments);

### (OPTIONAL) Contribution

- [ ] I would like to fix this BUG via a PR

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