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[BUG] Cannot load file './index' from module "xxx" #774

Open HereOrCode opened 11 months ago

HereOrCode commented 11 months ago

What happened?

When I use react-markdown, it gives me the error message:

Cannot load file './index' from module 'devlop'

Other packages will also show this error, for example: openai-streams



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moisesja commented 11 months ago

I get a similar error after I run "plasmo dev":

Plasmo v0.83.0 🔴 The Browser Extension Framework 🔵 INFO | Starting the extension development server... 🔵 INFO | Loaded environment variables from: [] 🔴 ERROR | Build failed. To debug, run plasmo dev --verbose. 🔴 ERROR | Failed to resolve '@ipld/dag-cbor' from './node_modules/.pnpm/@tbd54566975+dwn-sdk-js@0.2.1/node_modules/@tbd54566975/dwn-sdk-js/dist/esm/src/utils/cid.js' 🔴 ERROR | Cannot load file './index' from module '@ipld/dag-cbor'

I figure the internal bundling process cannot find the npm package, so I explicitly added this package dependency. The package.json now contains it, as well as the node_modules directory. This did not help at all!

louisgv commented 11 months ago

This is related to the parcel package resolver in the current version - it's not resolving these ESM packages properly because their package.json is an edge case (their exports property does not expose all files).

WilliamKeating commented 10 months ago

This is related to the parcel package resolver in the current version - it's not resolving these ESM packages properly because their package.json is an edge case (their exports property does not expose all files).

Is there a way to modify the package.json to expose all files or downgrade the parcel package resolver? I have been running into this issue with many packages such as "svelte-french-toast", and "@steeze-ui/svelte-icon". Any help would be appreciated.

WilliamKeating commented 10 months ago This is related to the parcel package resolver in the current version - it's not resolving these ESM packages properly because their package.json is an edge case (their exports property does not expose all files).

Is there a way to modify the package.json to expose all files or downgrade the parcel package resolver? I have been running into this issue with many packages such as "svelte-french-toast", and "@steeze-ui/svelte-icon". Any help would be appreciated.

My problem was fixed by referencing the index.js file in the node_module directly e.g. import toast, { Toaster } from "~node_modules/svelte-french-toast/dist/index.js"

HereOrCode commented 10 months ago


I'm using wxt now. You can try it.

edmund-io commented 9 months ago

@WilliamKeating @louisgv

I am also getting the same issue with react-markdown

> plasmo dev

🟣 Plasmo v0.84.0
🔴 The Browser Extension Framework
🔵 INFO   | Starting the extension development server...
🔵 INFO   | Loaded environment variables from: [ '.env' ]
🔴 ERROR  | Build failed. To debug, run plasmo dev --verbose.
🔴 ERROR  | Failed to resolve 'devlop' from './node\_modules/.pnpm/react-markdown@9.0.1\_@types+react@18.2.21\_react@18.2.0/node\_modules/react-markdown/lib/index.js'
🔴 ERROR  | Cannot load file './index' from module 'devlop'

I have tried importing the index.js in various ways as @WilliamKeating suggested:

// Tried this
import Markdown from "react-markdown"
// Tried this
import { Markdown } from "~../node_modules/react-markdown/lib/index"
// Tried this
import Markdown from "~../node_modules/react-markdown"

Would like to get this working somehow as there aren't many good alternatives out there for rendering markdown


hzeyuan commented 9 months ago

I've been looking at this issue for a whole day, and I feel like I have a good understanding of it. If you install the latest version of react-markdown, 9.0.0, it will throw an error: 'Cannot load file './index' from module "xxx". However, if you install version 8.0.7, it runs successfully. But when you try to parse code, markdown throws an error 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object'. Here is my code:

      remarkPlugins={[remarkMath, remarkBreaks, remarkGfm]}
      rehypePlugins={[[rehypeHighlight, { detect: true, ignoreMissing: true }]]}
      className={`markdown-body markdown-custom-styles !text-base font-normal`}
        a: ({ node, ...props }) => {
          if (!props.title) {
            return <a {...props} />
          return (
            <a {...props} title={undefined} />
        code: ({ node, inline, className, children, ...props }) => {
          if (inline) {
            return (
              <code className={className} {...props}>
          return <CustomCode className={className}>{children}</CustomCode>

This issue has been troubling me for a long time. The eventual solution was to directly reference the bundled JS file like this: import ReactMarkdown from '~lib/react-markdown.min.js' instead of import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown'

when parsing code, such as ```python, it can be parsed correctly。

I hope this can be helpful to you all

meekr commented 5 months ago

@WilliamKeating @louisgv

I am also getting the same issue with react-markdown

> plasmo dev

🟣 Plasmo v0.84.0
🔴 The Browser Extension Framework
🔵 INFO   | Starting the extension development server...
🔵 INFO   | Loaded environment variables from: [ '.env' ]
🔴 ERROR  | Build failed. To debug, run plasmo dev --verbose.
🔴 ERROR  | Failed to resolve 'devlop' from './node\_modules/.pnpm/react-markdown@9.0.1\_@types+react@18.2.21\_react@18.2.0/node\_modules/react-markdown/lib/index.js'
🔴 ERROR  | Cannot load file './index' from module 'devlop'

I have tried importing the index.js in various ways as @WilliamKeating suggested:

// Tried this
import Markdown from "react-markdown"
// Tried this
import { Markdown } from "~../node_modules/react-markdown/lib/index"
// Tried this
import Markdown from "~../node_modules/react-markdown"

Would like to get this working somehow as there aren't many good alternatives out there for rendering markdown


Hi munjyong, Any luck with the react-markdown problem? I came across this problem, have spent days searching for fixes but found nothing.

AlphaDu commented 5 months ago

I've been looking at this issue for a whole day, and I feel like I have a good understanding of it. If you install the latest version of react-markdown, 9.0.0, it will throw an error: 'Cannot load file './index' from module "xxx". However, if you install version 8.0.7, it runs successfully. But when you try to parse code, markdown throws an error 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object'. Here is my code:

     remarkPlugins={[remarkMath, remarkBreaks, remarkGfm]}
     rehypePlugins={[[rehypeHighlight, { detect: true, ignoreMissing: true }]]}
     className={`markdown-body markdown-custom-styles !text-base font-normal`}
       a: ({ node, ...props }) => {
         if (!props.title) {
           return <a {...props} />
         return (
           <a {...props} title={undefined} />
       code: ({ node, inline, className, children, ...props }) => {
         if (inline) {
           return (
             <code className={className} {...props}>
         return <CustomCode className={className}>{children}</CustomCode>

This issue has been troubling me for a long time. The eventual solution was to directly reference the bundled JS file like this: import ReactMarkdown from '~lib/react-markdown.min.js' instead of import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown'

when parsing code, such as ```python, it can be parsed correctly。

I hope this can be helpful to you all

Could you explain it in more detail? I went your way and it didn't work out . what's the '~lib/react-markdown.min.js mean ? it means'node_modules/react-markdown/react-markdown.min.js I tryed but didn't work

zhenghan2017 commented 5 months ago

I've been looking at this issue for a whole day, and I feel like I have a good understanding of it. If you install the latest version of react-markdown, 9.0.0, it will throw an error: 'Cannot load file './index' from module "xxx". However, if you install version 8.0.7, it runs successfully. But when you try to parse code, markdown throws an error 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object'. Here is my code:

     remarkPlugins={[remarkMath, remarkBreaks, remarkGfm]}
     rehypePlugins={[[rehypeHighlight, { detect: true, ignoreMissing: true }]]}
     className={`markdown-body markdown-custom-styles !text-base font-normal`}
       a: ({ node, ...props }) => {
         if (!props.title) {
           return <a {...props} />
         return (
           <a {...props} title={undefined} />
       code: ({ node, inline, className, children, ...props }) => {
         if (inline) {
           return (
             <code className={className} {...props}>
         return <CustomCode className={className}>{children}</CustomCode>

This issue has been troubling me for a long time. The eventual solution was to directly reference the bundled JS file like this: import ReactMarkdown from '~lib/react-markdown.min.js' instead of import ReactMarkdown from 'react-markdown'

when parsing code, such as ```python, it can be parsed correctly。

I hope this can be helpful to you all

Could you explain it in more detail? I went your way and it didn't work out . what's the '~lib/react-markdown.min.js mean ? it means'node_modules/react-markdown/react-markdown.min.js I tryed but didn't work

This is a building package. You can clone react-markdown and checkout your project dependence version then you need run npm run build.You will get react-markdown.min.js when it's succeed. Finally, you need copy it to your project.

arnab710 commented 1 month ago

I'm also getting the following error while using react-markdown.

Failed to resolve '#minpath' from './node\_modules/.pnpm/vfile@6.0.2/node\_modules/vfile/lib/index.js'
GorvGoyl commented 1 month ago

It seems like upgrading Parcel ( should fix the issue. A gentle ping to @louisgv about the open PR :)

louisgv commented 1 month ago

@GorvGoyl That PR has been in limbo for a while because I have not been able to find time to redo it xd.... Def need help on that one

WynterDing commented 1 month ago

same issue with @hzeyuan


I understand why 9.x not working, but in react-markdown 8.x it use main rather than exports

any idea on this? @louisgv

more infomation:

hastToReact is a method exported by react-markdown's dependency package property-infomation, it's a very simple lib.

when i run plasmo dev I came up with this problem, but when i change the code in node_modules, eg: console.log('111');

it works. I suspect after i change the code, there are some cache has been override. But at the first time build, hastToReact is undefined.