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[BUG] Use Vue UI libraries Such as PrimeVue #824

Open kankanai opened 10 months ago

kankanai commented 10 months ago

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A bug happened!

Hello,I used ""-With Vue, I would like to use a component package ( inside the content folder files,or popup.vue. To add to popup/options/newtab etc we have a defineOptions method:

import PrimeVue from 'primevue/config'; import type { App } from "vue"

defineOptions({ prepare(app: App) { app.use(PrimeVue); } }) Where can I setup primevue correctly. But within the files of the Content folder this does not work, I use the same code but the components do not appear.

Would you have any practical examples of how to use the component library within the contents?

I have been trying for a few hours and it has been very frustrating for me. If possible, thank you for your help



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kankanai commented 10 months ago

In addition, I found that the options. ts and popup. ts generated under static include

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => { const app = createApp(Component.default) Component.default.prepare?.(app) app.mount("#__plasmo") })

In addition, I found that the options. ts and popup. ts generated under static include

`switch (anchor.type) { case "inline": { const mountPoint = createInlineCSUIContainer({ anchor }) rootContainer.appendChild(mountPoint) const app = createApp(RawMount) app.config.globalProperties.$anchor = anchor app.mount(mountPoint) break } case "overlay": { const targetList = observer?.mountState.overlayTargetList || [ anchor.element ]

    targetList.forEach((target, i) => {
      const id = `plasmo-overlay-${i}`
      const innerAnchor: PlasmoCSUIAnchor = {
        element: target,
        type: "overlay"

      const mountPoint = createOverlayCSUIContainer({
        anchor: innerAnchor,
        watchOverlayAnchor: Mount.watchOverlayAnchor


      const app = createApp(RawMount)
      app.config.globalProperties.$anchor = innerAnchor

It can be seen that the prepare method was not executed.

kankanai commented 10 months ago

I prefer to use it If possible, please provide a vue file under contents to use this UI framework as a demo. I believe many people need this. Thank you

aiktb commented 9 months ago

I prefer to use it If possible, please provide a vue file under contents to use this UI framework as a demo. I believe many people need this. Thank you我更喜欢使用它 如果可能的话,请在 contents 下提供一个 vue 文件,以使用此 UI 框架作为 demo。我相信很多人都需要这个。谢谢

Agree with this, I've also spent hours trying to bring in the Vue component library in plasmo and have absolutely no idea how to do it.

Whilst component libraries are difficult to use, headlessui + tailwind integrates seamlessly with plasmo, which also cuts down on a lot of the time spent writing components.

northsea4 commented 6 months ago

Is there any new progress on this issue?

jfl913 commented 3 months ago

I prefer to use it If possible, please provide a vue file under contents to use this UI framework as a demo. I believe many people need this. Thank you

Were you able to resolve this issue?