PlasmoHQ / plasmo

🧩 The Browser Extension Framework
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[BUG] Extension was rejected by Google due to the Google Analytic code. #877

Open aiddroid opened 6 months ago

aiddroid commented 6 months ago

What happened?

Violation: The Manifest V3 product contains remote code.

(function(a){function b(){m=F.documentElement.getAttribute("data-tag-assistant-present");Tt(m)&&
(l=h.Uj)}if(!E["__TAGGY_INSTALLED"]){var c=!1;if(F.referrer){var d=qh(F.referrer);c=""===kh(d,"host")}
if(!c){var e=sj("googTaggyReferrer");c=e.length&&e[0].length}c&&
else{var f=function(u){var v="GTM",w="GTM";De?(v="OGT",w="GTAG"):Je&&(w=v="OPT");
var x=E["google.tagmanager.debugui2.queue"];x||(x=[],




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glucn commented 5 months ago

I run into this same issue the other day, and had to switch to using GA Measurement (ref:

I don't know if Plasmo will be able to fix this, since the remote code is actually loaded by the JS from GA. But regardlessly, I think some comments/documents should be added about this, including: