Platane / snk

🟩⬜ Generates a snake game from a github user contributions graph and output a screen capture as animated svg or gif
4.22k stars 1.03k forks source link

Simply not working #49

Closed Zo-Bro-23 closed 1 year ago

Zo-Bro-23 commented 1 year ago

snk doesn't seem to be working - Any GitHub profile that used to have a snake contribution grid now shows this:


Any GitHub Profile includes, unfortunately, yours. In fact, the screenshot is from your profile.

There are two explanations. Either snk stopped working, or this has something to do with my setup (browser, PC, etc). Since there are no recent commits, maybe an update to GitHub Actions broke the code. If you are able to see the animation though, the issue is at my end. I tried with a Mac, PC, and an Android phone, and none of them show the animation. Maybe it has something to with my ISP, but I doubt it. Kindly let me know if you have the same issue, or what you think could be the issue. Thanks!

Platane commented 1 year ago


I don't have this issue.

It might be your browser ( or an extension ) blocking this domain, but that's unlikely if you tested on multiple devices. You should have a network error in the console ( or in the network tab of the devtool ). Could you check what happened and update this issue ?

The image is hosted at , which is unlikely to be blocked by github (?) They might start to treat this use case as abusive and block the request. I could see the reasoning behind that. If so it should be easy to host the image elsewhere.

Thank for reporting

Zo-Bro-23 commented 1 year ago

Network tab

It seem to show connection timed out, which is what I've experienced when I tried to open the image url in a new tab.

Debugging further, the issue seems to be persistent with all URLs. Moreover, my phone on mobile data shows the raw content while my phone on WiFi doesn't. Investing, I found this Reddit post which explains many users of the same ISP as me complaining about this domain being blocked.

Any suggestions on what I can do? Maybe it's fine since my README loads well for others. GitHub Actions seem a bit cumbersome to setup, since I don't know anything about them, so would it be possible to move to a different setup? Maybe a serverless setup where the Action just has to do a cURL run to render the image on the server? Let me know if you have any suggestions for me! Thanks for your help 🙃

Platane commented 1 year ago

Ah I see, sorry about that.

This action is only concern with producing a svg ( or gif ) file in the github action runner. I do recommend to then use github branch to serve the image since it seems convenient. Since this is not great for you, you could use another image hosting provider. This action could be of interest : publish-on-imgur It does require an account, so it's not as trivial.