Platane / snk

🟩⬜ Generates a snake game from a github user contributions graph and output a screen capture as animated svg or gif
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Github actions workflow failing to generate SVG images #97

Closed stepbystepcode closed 11 months ago

stepbystepcode commented 11 months ago

The Github actions workflow in the Platane/snk repository has recently stopped working properly when trying to generate SVG images of GitHub contribution grids.

Specifically, on October 5, 2023 the workflow started failing with an "Unauthorized" error when running the svg-only action. I have been using this successfully for some time, but now it fails with the following error when run:

Run Platane/snk/svg-only@v3
  github_user_name: stepbystepcode  
    - dist/github-contribution-grid-snake.svg
    - dist/github-contribution-grid-snake-dark.svg?palette=github-dark

🎣 fetching github user contribution
Error: Action failed with "Unauthorized"

This prevents the SVG images from being generated as part of the workflow. Please look into what may have changed recently to cause this authentication error, and fix the workflow so it can generate the SVG images properly again. Let me know if any other info is needed to debug this issue.


Lvjinhong commented 11 months ago

I've encountered the same issue. Could you please provide further guidance on how to proceed

JairTorres1003 commented 11 months ago

I've experienced the same issue recently, and I've found a solution that may help you. Based on what I discovered in this issue #85, it seems that the problem is related to the version of the workflow.

Up until now, I had been using version 2 (V2) of the workflow successfully. However, switching to version 3 (V3) resolved the issue, and the workflow started functioning correctly.

I hope this information proves helpful, and you can resolve the issue by transitioning to version 3 of the workflow! I greatly appreciate this project from @Platane


stepbystepcode commented 11 months ago

I've experienced the same issue recently, and I've found a solution that may help you. Based on what I discovered in this issue #85, it seems that the problem is related to the version of the workflow.

Up until now, I had been using version 2 (V2) of the workflow successfully. However, switching to version 3 (V3) resolved the issue, and the workflow started functioning correctly.

I hope this information proves helpful, and you can resolve the issue by transitioning to version 3 of the workflow! I greatly appreciate this project from @Platane


Thanks, bro! It solved my problem! This workflow works:

name: generate animation

  # run automatically every 24 hours
    - cron: "0 */24 * * *" 

  # allows to manually run the job at any time

  # run on every push on the master branch
    - main

      contents: write
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    timeout-minutes: 10

      # generates a snake game from a github user (<github_user_name>) contributions graph, output a svg animation at <svg_out_path>
      - name: generate github-contribution-grid-snake.svg
        uses: Platane/snk/svg-only@v3
          github_user_name: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
          outputs: |
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }}

      # push the content of <build_dir> to a branch
      # the content will be available at<github_user>/<repository>/<target_branch>/<file> , or as github page
      - name: push github-contribution-grid-snake.svg to the output branch
        uses: crazy-max/ghaction-github-pages@v3.1.0
          target_branch: output
          build_dir: dist
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.TOKEN }}