Platohjwang / MSFS2020-VATSIM-Model-Matching

Vatsim Model Matching
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Model matching invisible aircraft #7

Open MedicoreV8 opened 2 years ago

MedicoreV8 commented 2 years ago

Some aircraft are not rendered in MSFS2020 even though they did match.

"[20:38:11.955] Model match result - Callsign: SXS1HA - TypeCode: B738 - ModelName: B738SXSS2 - Rule Set: G:\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020\Applications\Vatsim model matching\VATSIM_Model_Matching_Master-Plato.vmr - Pass: 1 [20:38:11.957] Attempting to add aircraft to sim with callsign SXS1HA and model B738SXSS2" Invisible plane

I have the Premium Deluxe version of MSFS2020 and the latest version. I'm running the latest stable of VPilot and this is what my custom rules look like: image

Platohjwang commented 2 years ago

Hi, thanks for the reply. Asobo is constantly updating the SDK, which always creates problems. will look into it and see what I can do