Plattar / plattar-ar-adapter

Plattar AR Adapter for interfacing with Google & Apple WebAR
Apache License 2.0
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Allow launching AR experiences with a SceneAudio #63

Open calrk opened 1 year ago

calrk commented 1 year ago


At the moment a scene launched with a sceneAudio in it, will not load with the audio file.


If a scene contains a single audio file, include it in AR If a scene contains multiple audio files, do not include in AR


We could add a flag on sceneAudio like on sceneModels 'include in AR'

Is this possible to do in iOS with a realityfile or USDz file? Sample for android:

intent += '&sound=';
DavidArayan commented 1 year ago

I think we should add the include in AR flag otherwise it will run into same set of issues as with Products/Models. We can also automate the usdz/reality generator to include the Audio file.

Q: Can we enforce via UI/warn user if multiple audio files have been toggled with include in AR?

calrk commented 1 year ago

We can control it client side, and if ever there is a case there are multiple audios, we just choose one and the user's can get rekt

DavidArayan commented 1 year ago

The choice won't depend on order, it'd basically be whatever the API returns first in the list when fetching a scene.

DavidArayan commented 1 year ago

The requirements for this have changed. Since we have a backend that can include audio files in USDZ files, the IOS backend can include as many files as it likes whilst Android only allows one file. Should we bring back the include in AR option for audio for consistency?

calrk commented 1 year ago

Already in the cards