PlayCover / PlayCover

Community fork of PlayCover
GNU General Public License v3.0
7.49k stars 729 forks source link

[Feature]: Container ID for the APP should reset after uninstalling. #1425

Open narendersaini32 opened 2 months ago

narendersaini32 commented 2 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem?


Describe the solution you'd like

After uninstalling the app, the container id doesn't reset after reinstalling the playcover it cover

Anything else?


Issue Language

TheMoonThatRises commented 4 weeks ago

Can you explain what you mean by "the container id doesn't reset after reinstalling"?

narendersaini32 commented 4 weeks ago

I have a app which give free demo on first install. Once i uninstall that app and tried installing again then previous data is still persists. It maybe using a same keychain id or container id or something. Then I wrote a script to remove some leftover files then it works.

sudo rm -rf /Users/narendersaini/Library/Application\ Scripts/com.telestar.voicechangerip sudo rm -rf /Users/narendersaini/Library/Application\ Scripts/com.telestar.revvoicechanger sudo rm -rf /private/var/folders/mq/_3czqq3j4278bytc6md4974m0000gn/C/com.telestar.voicechangerip sudo rm -rf /private/var/folders/mq/_3czqq3j4278bytc6md4974m0000gn/C/com.telestar.revvoicechanger sudo rm -rf /Users/narendersaini/Library/Containers/com.telestar.voicechangerip sudo rm -rf /Users/narendersaini/Library/Containers/com.telestar.revvoicechanger