PlayCover / PlayCover

Community fork of PlayCover
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Bug]:WeChat #1465

Open jzyx177946 opened 3 weeks ago

jzyx177946 commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug

How can WeChat be recognized as iPhone format? No matter how I choose iPhone 13/14, opening WeChat is always in iPad mode

Steps to reproduce

How can WeChat be recognized as iPhone format? No matter how I choose iPhone 13/14, opening WeChat is always in iPad mode

Expected behaviour

How can WeChat be recognized as iPhone format? No matter how I choose iPhone 13/14, opening WeChat is always in iPad mode

Crash log

How can WeChat be recognized as iPhone format? No matter how I choose iPhone 13/14, opening WeChat is always in iPad mode

What version of PlayCover are you using?

3.0.0 beta 2

What version of macOS are you using?

Sonoma (macOS 14)

Issue Language