PlayCover / PlayCover

Community fork of PlayCover
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Google drive hosted IPA #1472

Open Catta1997 opened 2 weeks ago

Catta1997 commented 2 weeks ago

I noticed some IPA (like HSR or Genshin) on are hosted in Google Drive, this PR add a redirect catcher and a scraping to detect all I need to create a direct link to the IPA to bypass "Antivirus error" that show on too big file.

Steps that I need to do

Catta1997 commented 2 weeks ago

it works as expected, sometimes it not work for Google Drive quota reached, cannot bypass it without a login (maybe I can work on it but not sure if is ok)

Catta1997 commented 4 days ago

I have to understand how to correctly import SwiftSoup, any help appreciated

Catta1997 commented 3 days ago

I managed to install SwiftSoup with Carthage but I'm not sure if I did it correctly