PlayFab / PlayFabPartyUnity

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Getting DllNotFoundException: PartyWin32 Error #2

Closed IbadAnis closed 3 years ago

IbadAnis commented 3 years ago

When I click to create & join network button in demo scene of playfab party unity SDK it gives me this error.

Error Log: DllNotFoundException: PartyWin32 PartyCSharpSDK.SDK.PartyInitialize (System.String titleId, PartyCSharpSDK.PARTY_HANDLE& handle) (at Assets/PlayFabPartySDK/Source/Scripts/PartySDKCSharpSource/SDK.cs:39) PlayFab.Party.PlayFabMultiplayerManager._Initialize () (at Assets/PlayFabPartySDK/Source/Scripts/PartyUnitySDK/PlayFabMultiplayerManager.cs:632) PlayFab.Party.PlayFabMultiplayerManager.Awake () (at Assets/PlayFabPartySDK/Source/Scripts/PartyUnitySDK/PlayFabMultiplayerManager.cs:125)

Vicodex commented 3 years ago

Hi, IbadAnis. The currently published version of Party Unity SDK doesn't support Win32 platform yet, and therefore it doesn't include a DLL for Win32 :) We will be adding support for Win32 soon in a pre-release version of Party Unity SDK that will be published on this site.