PlayFab / thundernetes

Thundernetes makes it easy to run your game servers on Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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Large game server container images #13

Open dgkanatsios opened 2 years ago

dgkanatsios commented 2 years ago

Some game server container images can be pretty large, i.e. several GB. This can result in container images being slow to download and extract. Thus, Pods that reference large containers on AKS will take some time to download and start. Azure Container Registry has introduced project Teleport which is coming soon to AKS in public preview and will greatly decrease time needed to start Pod off a large container image. We should

dgkanatsios commented 2 years ago

We should document mounting asset files the way this is done on MPS, e.g. mounted on "/data/DownloadedAssets" on every container instance.

dgkanatsios commented 2 years ago

Azure Disk CSI driver might be interesting to look at:

Specifically the shareddisk feature:

dgkanatsios commented 2 years ago

We should also mention support for AKS teleport, when it's on public preview.