PlayFab / vscode-playfab-explorer

PlayFab Explorer extension for VS Code
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vscode -> @types/vscode and vscode-test #68

Closed MGudgin closed 3 years ago

MGudgin commented 3 years ago

This PR moves the code base from using the vscode package (which was deprecated at version 1.1.37) to using @types/vscode and the vscode-test package. As part of this change, the minimum engine version for the extension is now 1.36.0.

In addition, run npm audit fix to address serialize-javascript security issue.


package.json changes;

Remove vscode dev package. Add @types/vscode and vscode-test dev packages. Update mocha dev package. Move @types/mocha from runtime package to dev package. Move typemoq from runtime package to dev package. Add pretest and test scripts to accomodate new test infrastructure. Remove test-compile, which and post-install scripts as they are no longer needed.

launch.json changes;

Change preLaunchTask for Run Extension to run webpack rather than compile. Amend path in extensionTestsPath to account for new test source layout.

Test changes;

Move index.ts into a suite subdirectory and amend content to account for vscode-test requirements. Move account.test.ts, datahelper.test.ts and explorer.test.ts into the suite subdirectory. Fix up import paths as appropriate. Add a runTest.ts file to src\tests, this is the actual test entry point.