PlayersCommittee / gemp-swccg-public

Online Play system for SWCCG
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3 Bugs Related to Bothan Spy and Death Star Plans on GEMP #770

Open billbisco opened 1 month ago

billbisco commented 1 month ago


Describe the bug

Death Star Plans is bugged on 2 fronts:

  1. When Bothan spy is the target of Death Star Plans, Death Star Plans is supposed to be immune to Alter. However, it is still able to be targeted and canclled via Alter.

  2. If Light Side has no reserve deck when Death Star Plans is completed, Death Star Plans remains on the Bothan spy. Death Star Plans does not go to lost pile even though it has been completed. Expected Behavior: Death star plans should go to lost pile even if Light Side has no Reserve deck and cannot retrieve any force. Note: If Light Side has 1 card in Reserve deck and less than 3 (or 4 with Bothan spy) Light side will still retrieve the force associated with that one card. Expected Result: Death Star Plans completed with no reserve deck should be handled the same way it is completed with less than 4 or 3 cards, attempt to retrieve force and then go to lost pile

  3. When embarking on a creature vehicle, ex. Ronto, the Bothan Spy cannot trigger Death Star Plans when the Ronto and the Bothan Spy as the rider move via docking bay transit to Yavin IV Docking Bay. Per Emperor Palptaine text, a person aboard a vehicle is still considered to be moving. However, if the Ronto does docking bay transit with the Bothan Spy, Death Star Plans will not trigger.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior: BUG 1

  1. Target Death Star Plans on a Bothan spy with Alter
  2. Draw Destiny Successfully
  3. Notice that Death Star Plans is cancelled when Bothan spy should make it uncancellable


  1. Have a Bothan spy with Death Star Plans attached at Death Star Docking Bay. Have no cards in reserve deck and at least 1 force in Force Pile
  2. Initiate docking Bay Transit to Yavin IV docking bay
  3. Notice that you cannot draw any cards for Death Star Plans and Death Star Plans should go to Lost Pile.


  1. Have a Bothan spy with Death Star Plans attached at Death Star Docking Bay. Have a Ronto at said Death Star Docking Bay. Embark the Bothan Spy on the Ronto.
  2. Docking Bay Transit the Ronto with the embarked Bothan Spy to Yavin IV Docking Bay.
  3. Notice that Death Star Plans does not trigger even though the Bothan spy has moved (even though he is being carried, see PDS2 Emperor Palpatine) to Yavin IV docking bay.

Game Replay ID:

Bug 1:$tyj4i42s3g20w253 Bug 3:$ax648ygvbjqzioej

Expected behavior

BUG1: Death Star Plans targeting a Bothan spy should be immune to ALter BUG2: Death Star Plans should trigger and go to lost pile even if Light Side has no cards in Reserve Deck BUG3: Death Star Plans should trigger with Bothan spy if the Bothan spy is a passenger aboard a creature vehicle


Client Platform

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Firefox 127.0.1 (64-bit)

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional context

I hope the above is clear. Happy to elucidate