There might be lots of mints listed in the future that DON'T handle sats.
We should not use these in SatShoot for now because payments can only handle sats.
How to check this:
According to NUT06 spec 'GetInfoResponse' from cashu-ts lib should return a JSON that has a key called 'nuts'.
This should include 'nut4'(deposits) which is mandatory and a 'methods' key under that. This in turn should include a 'method' that has a 'unit' that equals 'sat'.
We exclude mints that don't implement NUT06. It is mandatory but not every mint implements this.
We exclude mints that don't have the above info in the info response both from Mint exploration AND Recipients CashuMintList (10019) when paying freelancer.
Otherwise user will be able to select a mint that he wants to pay to from eligible mints
There might be lots of mints listed in the future that DON'T handle sats. We should not use these in SatShoot for now because payments can only handle sats.
How to check this:
According to NUT06 spec 'GetInfoResponse' from cashu-ts lib should return a JSON that has a key called 'nuts'. This should include 'nut4'(deposits) which is mandatory and a 'methods' key under that. This in turn should include a 'method' that has a 'unit' that equals 'sat'.