PlebLab / Top-Builder

Welcome to PlebLab's Startup Day, a dynamic gathering for Bitcoin startups, featuring the Top Builder competition as its centerpiece. This event is a hub of activity, offering builder sessions, workshops, announcements, and speaker panels, all aimed at fostering growth and learning within the Bitcoin community.
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[Top Builder 2024]: Resolvr_R2 #20

Open TheSchwab opened 6 months ago

TheSchwab commented 6 months ago

πŸ—οΈ Top Builder 2024 Application Form to track progress through Round 1 - 3 ~ Currently in Round 1

πŸ“ Instructions

  1. Only complete this form if you have been chosen for Top Builder, by PlebLab.
  2. Provide detailed information to assist the judges in evaluating your project.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘ The Team

πŸ’‘ The Idea

πŸ“š Additional Information

πŸ“Œ Submission Type

πŸš€ Current Project Progress

⏳ Round 1 Milestone

⏳ Round 2 Milestones

πŸ“ Submission Complete

πŸ“… Top Builder Program Structure

Registration Opens: Monday, December 18, 2023

Round 1: January 13 - February 10, 2024

Round 2: February 10 - 25, 2024

Round 3: Starting February 26, 2024

Final Round at Startup Day: March 14, 2024

TheSchwab commented 6 months ago

In the spirit of customer validation, we've been gathering feedback on our Discord Feedback channel from current and prospective users of our alpha, including feedback from people wanting to post bounties for the nostr ndk, which you can access here: We've also met with to review our current and to-be designs to help us iterate towards our vision and roadmap, follow up meetings to be had.

TheSchwab commented 6 months ago
TheSchwab commented 5 months ago

### Resolvr proof of work update, Feb 1, 2024

Web interface /

We've done a TON of work refining the UX/UI and massively improving the site under the hood, including creating our own react nostr library, which we've pulled into our GitHub. See activity here for the web repo and to see the deployment notes (vanity URLs for bounty makers, nip05 support, and a huge frontend refactor, among other items!). Check out a vanity URL: for our friends at Alby!

Desktop App:

Starting our work on this repo this week of Jan 29, with the goal of feature parity with the web application within the next week or so. Follow our activity here:

Future State Design:

We've been doing a lot of work in Figma and other places to detail out the future of the site with many exciting new features. Check it out here:

Elevator Pitch, Q&A Refinement:

The sessions have been inspirational and are helping us to see ourselves more clearly. We're updating our elevator pitch and a Q&A that you can see here (work in progress!):

TheSchwab commented 5 months ago

Round 1 Milestones Summary / Recap; Feb 2, 2024

MacOS Desktop App




  • [ ] :finnadie: Resolvr relay: NOT done. We love it, we will do it, but deprioritized a relay vs. a rad thing... Keystache, see below!

QR Zap

  • [ ] :finnadie: QR-based zaps: NOT done. In process. Coming soon.

NEW STUFF not in our original Milestone 1 goals

Keystache :key:

  • Keystache allows Resolvr and ANYONE building nostr🦩 MacOS apps to store their keys. Like the browser Alby extension, but for desktop utility. We think it's cool and so do some others.

  • [X] :sunglasses: WORKS and it's LIVE in our MacOS Resolvr app. Proof of Work:

  • Feedback: :eyes: fiatjaf called keystache idea "absurdly good" and to "nip this as soon as possible". So we built it and now we're going to nip it as soon as possible.

    UX/UI and Tooling

  • [X] :sunglasses: Built a resolvr react nostr🦩 library from the ground up. Proof of work:

  • [X] :triumph: Completed a full backend refactor for Very large amount of changes. Faster performance, tighter integrations, multi-relay bug fixes and enhancements... and much more. This was a big lift. Proof of Work:

Mix Kind Feed, more nostr🦩 contributions

  • [X] Identified another future nip🦩: bounty kind shown here in a mixed kind, feed which we also plan to write a nip for > in the future, Chris showed how this can work here/PoW:

:rocket: Traction :eyes:

Great continued support from Alby, fiatjaf, and more on the bounty site, now totaling tens of millions of Sats in open bounties... with some active bounty hunters! We also have a bounty hunter/taker for our own bounty to implement nostr🦩 badges on Resolvr... is that cheating? :see_no_evil:

TheSchwab commented 5 months ago

Round 2 Week 1 Summary

Feb 17, 2024


Github Scraper

  • Spoke with other BTC job sites on utility of scraper, confirmed useful for bounty posters to make it much easier to turn a github project into a bounty post with a click or two.
  • Making significant build progress!


  • Met with COO of BTC based insurance company.
  • Obtained additional insights into pain points and challenges in the insurance market.
  • Completed ProForma revenue and burn rate buildup, using our first B2B deal we have in the pipeline to model these numbers (albeit very early and rough numbers).
  • Confirmed Resolvr team buy-in to dive deeper into potential B2B deal to build out POC for insurance adjudication use case.
  • Circled back with LSP (lightning service provider) prospective partner/investor to set up time for additional discussions to scope the deal.
  • Refining pitch for investment ask to pursue first b2b (a POC with an LSP) deal full time.
  • Meeting with Ego Death Capital next week to pitch.
TheSchwab commented 5 months ago

Round 2 Summary:

image Notes:

image As a reminder, Resolvr:

image There are some complex issues facing the Bitcoin ecosystem:

:wrench: What Resolvr is building to (re)solve this complexity:

Recap of Second-round milestone the team has set for themselves:


  • [ ] Positive Reputation: Sats Stream indicator. Still in process, but some of the simple stuff is done in Resolvr and Keystache, targeting to launch this in a forthcoming generally available website update.
  • [X] Positive reputation design enhancements: image
  • Check out Resolvr Desktop demo here (same video link as the summary):

:white_check_mark: Github Bounty Scraper :computer:

:white_check_mark: Pitching & Traction :seedling:

  • [X] Advance our B2B biz dev discussions. Designing out effort for a paid POC for an insurer where we'd build it out with a Lightning Service Provider (LSP) as a partner and potential investor.
  • Pursuing deal with LSP Partner for the a B2B customer in the Emerging Market (EM) Insurance company. Deep diving into POC scope with LSP.
  • [X] Elevate pitch to capture a cohesive, focused vision for the Resolvr for-profit business.
  • :rocket: Pursuing a deal with LSP and one of their customers (a specific EM insurer in LatAm) for a paid PoC ($250K-$500K as revenue to Resolvr:moneybag:), for an insurance adjudication module.
  • Strong investment interest from a couple angels and other sources, spurred on by the B2B deal we have in the pipeline.


image Keystache A place to stash your Nostr keys, by Resolvr

  • Keystache is a desktop app that enables you to keep all of your nostr keys in a single application rather than pasting your nsec into every application you install on the desktop. It's similar to the nostr support that web extensions like alby or nos2x provide.

  • Keystache provides an API (Over a Unix Domain Socket) for other MacOS desktop applications to request a public key (used to sign in to other apps) or request an event be signed.

  • But wait, there's MOAR! Keystache works with Resolvr's bounty desktop app (or any other desktop nostr client!) to zap bounty payouts (or any other zappable event!) with ANY bitcoin lightning wallet through a simple QR code interface!

  • Keystache website LIVE:

  • Check out the video demo here (same video link as the summary):

  • Lotta updates, doing some cool stuff, friggin' :fire: UX/UI, all new since Round 1.

  • PoW:,

QR codes

TheSchwab commented 5 months ago

Keystache website now live!

TheSchwab commented 5 months ago

We have some big plans brewing for Keystache... here's a sneak peak of some of our designs :key: πŸ₯Έ

The key take away for Keystache is you'll be able to have a sovereign desktop application to manage, use, and control your LN payments and wallets through your Nostr ID. This is an important utility for our justice arch for a lot of reasons, but we want to make the utility available to others who are using Nostr and LN to whatever end, or for fellow builders developing sovereign tech!

Feast your eyes! :eyes: image





