PlebLab / Top-Builder

Welcome to PlebLab's Startup Day, a dynamic gathering for Bitcoin startups, featuring the Top Builder competition as its centerpiece. This event is a hub of activity, offering builder sessions, workshops, announcements, and speaker panels, all aimed at fostering growth and learning within the Bitcoin community.
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[Top Builder 2024]: uncleJim21 (CASCDR_R2) #37

Open uncleJim21 opened 5 months ago

uncleJim21 commented 5 months ago

πŸ—οΈ Top Builder 2024 Application Form to track progress through Round 1 - 3 ~ Currently in Round 1

πŸ“ Instructions

  1. Only complete this form if you have been chosen for Top Builder, by PlebLab.
  2. Provide detailed information to assist the judges in evaluating your project.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘ The Team

Furthermore I worked on numerous Lightning side/hackathon projects:

When I participated in the Tabconf Hackathon where we first proposed an open API marketplace on NOSTR with NIP105, my mind began to churn about the possibilities enabled by that project. I thought about how with those tools we have the ability to make a serious dent in the problems above with some ingenuity and a lot of elbow grease...

πŸ’‘ The Idea

πŸ“š Additional Information


πŸ“Œ Submission Type

πŸš€ Current Project Progress

⏳ Round 1 Milestone

πŸ“… Top Builder Program Structure

Registration Opens: Monday, December 18, 2023

Round 1: January 13 - February 10, 2024

Round 2: February 10 - 24, 2024

Round 3: Starting February 24, 2024

Final Round at Startup Day: March 14, 2024

uncleJim21 commented 5 months ago

CASCDR Update Week 1 πŸŒŠβš‘πŸŠπŸ’ŠπŸ€ πŸ‘

There are three main initiatives underway: 1.StartOS Package for CASCDR Vendors - we are about 95% complete on our prototype for CASCDR Vendor which will allow anyone running a StartOS device to simply input their OpenAI API key, service pricing and nostr credential to stack sats for providing access to ChatGPT and other OpenAI services like Whisper, DALL-e, etc. The package communicates directly with the user's LND node for total self sovereignty when it comes to custody & privacy. The services provided in this way will immediately be available to a network of clients including the CASCDR site over TOR. We plan to submit the build for review by the StartOS team by the end of the month and will hopefully have it live for the stackers out there by the end of February. Huge shout out to Chris Guida who's patience, expertise and diligence helped make this possible.


CASCDR StartOS Dashboard allows vendors to stack sats by making their ChatGPT access available to buyers that value privacy or cannot access a US Credit card.

  1. L402 Merchant Onboarding - new team member Luke Lowery using his AWS expertise & working with GrihmLord aka Marcus to demonstrate how L402s can help artists and prompt engineers monetize their skills without fear of ceding copyright sovereignty to the likes of OpenAI and other tech giants. We have a plan to build a robust, elegantly simple way to achieve profitability for Marcus to take his artistic and prompt engineering talents and make them available to a market & showcase on CASCDR.


Sample of Marcus's work using painstaking expertise & prompt engineering

3.Engineering a Robust Workflow's Application working closely with TopBuilder mentor Topher Scott to engineer a TypeScript framework to make custom L402 workflows robust & composable. This initiative builds upon the proposal we announced (here)[]. We now have a plan in place and plan to focus on this initiative for the next few weeks. image

uncleJim21 commented 5 months ago

CASCDR Update Week 2 πŸŒŠβš‘πŸŠπŸ’ŠπŸ€ πŸ‘

This week was about experimentation and figuring out the next direction to go. Quick recap of what we've done so far:

  1. CASCDR StartOS Build -> we are putting together a submission for the Start9 team.
  2. Custom Workflows -> we have the initial logic nailed down and pipelines running in memory for about 3 services.
  3. Vector Databases -> we have built sample services and examples that we will use to take the utility of vector search and make applications & services with excellent user experience.

With these under our belt & with some feedback from our users we decided to shift gears and temporarily shelf the above. We plan to focus in two key areas:

  1. Building a Killer App on L402s - while we're proud of what we have, we feel there's more opportunities to create value. We are shifting focus on creating a high quality productivity application for podcasters inspired by @thrillerxx . We will provide details as we progress.
  2. Creating On Ramps for Non-Bitcoiners - as much as we love bitcoin, we want to make sure there are avenues for non-bitcoiners to utilize the service and ultimately pay the service providers in bitcoin. We are drafting plans for how to accomplish this and plan to add the optionality to pay in fiat with CASCDR.

With these two efforts in focus, we feel that once complete we have the opportunity to build traction, seize more opportunities to add value and of course get that sweet sweet satsflow.

uncleJim21 commented 4 months ago

CASCDR Update Week 3 πŸŒŠβš‘πŸŠπŸ’ŠπŸ€ πŸ‘

I made a detailed post here & will provide TLDR for the purposes of the competition:

Brass Tacks on Milestones:

uncleJim21 commented 4 months ago

Milestone 2 Goals πŸŒŠβš‘πŸŠπŸ’ŠπŸ€ πŸ‘

uncleJim21 commented 4 months ago

CASCDR Update Round 2 Week 1 πŸŒŠβš‘πŸŠπŸ’ŠπŸ€ πŸ‘

Focus: Building the CASCDR Hub for Acquisition of Data Bot (henceforth CHADBot) - augmenting our existing services by allowing users to subscribe for updates to a youtube channel along with associated services Accomplishments: CHADBot back end is LIVE and running for internal testing. CHADBot is monitoring a multitude of YouTube channels and sending DMs with alerts to the new video (with links), summaries, and suggested Blog content Next up:

uncleJim21 commented 4 months ago

CASCDR Round 2 Milestone Updates πŸŒŠβš‘πŸŠπŸ’ŠπŸ€ πŸ‘