Plethora777 / mcpe_viz

Minecraft Pocket Edition (MCPE) World Visualization & Reporting Tool with Web App
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Crash During Gen of Christmas Pack World - Part Deux #78

Open kylesutton opened 5 years ago

kylesutton commented 5 years ago

Hey Plethora,

Still getting this (#19) error when running a map gen on a world created with the Festive Mash-Up 2106 pack (though the lead-in a little different):

overworld 0x32 chunk (entity data):
0x32-e: NBT Decode Start
0x32-e: [] COMPOUND-1 {
0x32-e:   [AbsorptionAmount] 0.000000 (float)
0x32-e:   [Air] 300 0x12c (short)
0x32-e:   [ArmorDropChances] LIST-1 {
0x32-e:     [] 0.085000 (float)
0x32-e:     [] 0.085000 (float)
0x32-e:     [] 0.085000 (float)
0x32-e:     [] 0.085000 (float)
0x32-e:   } LIST-1
0x32-e:   [ArmorItems] LIST-2 {
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-2 {
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-2
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-3 {
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-3
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-4 {
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-4
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-5 {
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-5
0x32-e:   } LIST-2
0x32-e:   [Attributes] LIST-3 {
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-6 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 40.000000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.maxHealth' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-6
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-7 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 0.000000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.knockbackResistance' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-7
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-8 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 0.300000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.movementSpeed' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-8
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-9 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 0.000000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.armor' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-9
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-10 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 0.000000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.armorToughness' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-10
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-11 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 64.000000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Modifiers] LIST-4 {
0x32-e:         [] COMPOUND-12 {
0x32-e:           [Amount] -0.065256 (double)
0x32-e:           [Name] 'Random spawn bonus' (string)
0x32-e:           [Operation] 1 0x1 (int)
0x32-e:           [UUIDLeast] -7902803979346542005 0x925399a6d181824b (long)
0x32-e:           [UUIDMost] -9132230446547517000 0x8143cccb228741b8 (long)
0x32-e:         } COMPOUND-12
0x32-e:       } LIST-4
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.followRange' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-11
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-13 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 7.000000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.attackDamage' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-13
0x32-e:   } LIST-3
0x32-e:   [Bukkit.updateLevel] 2 0x2 (int)
0x32-e:   [CanPickUpLoot] 0 0x0 (byte)
0x32-e:   [DeathTime] 0 0x0 (short)
0x32-e:   [Dimension] 0 0x0 (int)
0x32-e:   [FallDistance] 0.000000 (float)
0x32-e:   [FallFlying] 0 0x0 (byte)
0x32-e:   [Fire] -1 0xffffffff (short)
0x32-e:   [HandDropChances] LIST-5 {
0x32-e:     [] 0.085000 (float)
0x32-e:     [] 0.085000 (float)
0x32-e:   } LIST-5
0x32-e:   [HandItems] LIST-6 {
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-14 {
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-14
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-15 {
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-15
0x32-e:   } LIST-6
0x32-e:   [Health] 40.000000 (float)
0x32-e:   [HurtByTimestamp] 0 0x0 (int)
0x32-e:   [HurtTime] 0 0x0 (short)
0x32-e:   [Invulnerable] 0 0x0 (byte)
0x32-e:   [Leashed] 0 0x0 (byte)
0x32-e:   [LeftHanded] 0 0x0 (byte)
0x32-e:   [Motion] LIST-7 {
0x32-e:     [] 0.000000 (double)
0x32-e:     [] -0.078400 (double)
0x32-e:     [] 0.000000 (double)
0x32-e:   } LIST-7
0x32-e:   [OnGround] 1 0x1 (byte)
0x32-e:   [PersistenceRequired] 0 0x0 (byte)
0x32-e:   [PortalCooldown] 0 0x0 (int)
0x32-e:   [Pos] LIST-8 {
0x32-e:     [] -360.500000 (double)
0x32-e:     [] 44.000000 (double)
0x32-e:     [] -201.500000 (double)
0x32-e:   } LIST-8
0x32-e:   [Rotation] LIST-9 {
0x32-e:     [] 190.658279 (float)
0x32-e:     [] 0.000000 (float)
0x32-e:   } LIST-9
0x32-e:   [Spigot.ticksLived] 244 0xf4 (int)
0x32-e:   [UUIDLeast] -6145920994430894868 0xaab54d6b0554bcec (long)
0x32-e:   [UUIDMost] -5534033763605200080 0xb333299cd14b4330 (long)
0x32-e:   [WorldUUIDLeast] -7379614433345739099 0x999657c59114e6a5 (long)
0x32-e:   [WorldUUIDMost] -8376407472421318910 0x8bc105c8b0664f02 (long)
0x32-e:   [id] 38 0x26 (int)
0x32-e: } COMPOUND-1
0x32-e: [] COMPOUND-16 {
0x32-e:   [AbsorptionAmount] 0.000000 (float)
0x32-e:   [Air] 300 0x12c (short)
0x32-e:   [ArmorDropChances] LIST-10 {
0x32-e:     [] 0.085000 (float)
0x32-e:     [] 0.085000 (float)
0x32-e:     [] 0.085000 (float)
0x32-e:     [] 0.085000 (float)
0x32-e:   } LIST-10
0x32-e:   [ArmorItems] LIST-11 {
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-17 {
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-17
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-18 {
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-18
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-19 {
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-19
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-20 {
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-20
0x32-e:   } LIST-11
0x32-e:   [Attributes] LIST-12 {
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-21 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 40.000000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.maxHealth' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-21
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-22 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 0.000000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.knockbackResistance' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-22
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-23 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 0.300000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.movementSpeed' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-23
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-24 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 0.000000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.armor' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-24
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-25 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 0.000000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.armorToughness' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-25
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-26 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 64.000000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Modifiers] LIST-13 {
0x32-e:         [] COMPOUND-27 {
0x32-e:           [Amount] 0.066787 (double)
0x32-e:           [Name] 'Random spawn bonus' (string)
0x32-e:           [Operation] 1 0x1 (int)
0x32-e:           [UUIDLeast] -6901319641701612197 0xa0399659c2f3055b (long)
0x32-e:           [UUIDMost] -8589430746484618810 0x88cc363eacf749c6 (long)
0x32-e:         } COMPOUND-27
0x32-e:       } LIST-13
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.followRange' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-26
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-28 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 7.000000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.attackDamage' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-28
0x32-e:   } LIST-12
0x32-e:   [Bukkit.updateLevel] 2 0x2 (int)
0x32-e:   [CanPickUpLoot] 0 0x0 (byte)
0x32-e:   [DeathTime] 0 0x0 (short)
0x32-e:   [Dimension] 0 0x0 (int)
0x32-e:   [FallDistance] 0.000000 (float)
0x32-e:   [FallFlying] 0 0x0 (byte)
0x32-e:   [Fire] -1 0xffffffff (short)
0x32-e:   [HandDropChances] LIST-14 {
0x32-e:     [] 0.085000 (float)
0x32-e:     [] 0.085000 (float)
0x32-e:   } LIST-14
0x32-e:   [HandItems] LIST-15 {
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-29 {
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-29
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-30 {
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-30
0x32-e:   } LIST-15
0x32-e:   [Health] 40.000000 (float)
0x32-e:   [HurtByTimestamp] 0 0x0 (int)
0x32-e:   [HurtTime] 0 0x0 (short)
0x32-e:   [Invulnerable] 0 0x0 (byte)
0x32-e:   [Leashed] 0 0x0 (byte)
0x32-e:   [LeftHanded] 0 0x0 (byte)
0x32-e:   [Motion] LIST-16 {
0x32-e:     [] 0.000000 (double)
0x32-e:     [] -0.078400 (double)
0x32-e:     [] 0.000000 (double)
0x32-e:   } LIST-16
0x32-e:   [OnGround] 1 0x1 (byte)
0x32-e:   [PersistenceRequired] 0 0x0 (byte)
0x32-e:   [PortalCooldown] 0 0x0 (int)
0x32-e:   [Pos] LIST-17 {
0x32-e:     [] -362.500000 (double)
0x32-e:     [] 44.000000 (double)
0x32-e:     [] -200.500000 (double)
0x32-e:   } LIST-17
0x32-e:   [Rotation] LIST-18 {
0x32-e:     [] 101.461678 (float)
0x32-e:     [] 0.000000 (float)
0x32-e:   } LIST-18
0x32-e:   [Spigot.ticksLived] 244 0xf4 (int)
0x32-e:   [UUIDLeast] -4697148886480902904 0xbed05ff96c2f2508 (long)
0x32-e:   [UUIDMost] -3953767464379659128 0xc921657069274c88 (long)
0x32-e:   [WorldUUIDLeast] -7379614433345739099 0x999657c59114e6a5 (long)
0x32-e:   [WorldUUIDMost] -8376407472421318910 0x8bc105c8b0664f02 (long)
0x32-e:   [id] 38 0x26 (int)
0x32-e: } COMPOUND-16
0x32-e: [] COMPOUND-31 {
0x32-e:   [AbsorptionAmount] 0.000000 (float)
0x32-e:   [Air] 300 0x12c (short)
0x32-e:   [ArmorDropChances] LIST-19 {
0x32-e:     [] 0.085000 (float)
0x32-e:     [] 0.085000 (float)
0x32-e:     [] 0.085000 (float)
0x32-e:     [] 0.085000 (float)
0x32-e:   } LIST-19
0x32-e:   [ArmorItems] LIST-20 {
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-32 {
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-32
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-33 {
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-33
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-34 {
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-34
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-35 {
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-35
0x32-e:   } LIST-20
0x32-e:   [Attributes] LIST-21 {
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-36 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 16.000000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.maxHealth' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-36
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-37 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 0.000000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.knockbackResistance' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-37
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-38 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 0.300000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.movementSpeed' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-38
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-39 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 0.000000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.armor' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-39
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-40 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 0.000000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.armorToughness' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-40
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-41 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 16.000000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Modifiers] LIST-22 {
0x32-e:         [] COMPOUND-42 {
0x32-e:           [Amount] -0.017383 (double)
0x32-e:           [Name] 'Random spawn bonus' (string)
0x32-e:           [Operation] 1 0x1 (int)
0x32-e:           [UUIDLeast] -7506405127276678933 0x97d3e44eb080b0eb (long)
0x32-e:           [UUIDMost] 6578197234733041857 0x5b4a73883eb848c1 (long)
0x32-e:         } COMPOUND-42
0x32-e:       } LIST-22
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.followRange' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-41
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-43 {
0x32-e:       [Base] 2.000000 (double)
0x32-e:       [Name] 'generic.attackDamage' (string)
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-43
0x32-e:   } LIST-21
0x32-e:   [Bukkit.updateLevel] 2 0x2 (int)
0x32-e:   [CanPickUpLoot] 0 0x0 (byte)
0x32-e:   [DeathTime] 0 0x0 (short)
0x32-e:   [Dimension] 0 0x0 (int)
0x32-e:   [FallDistance] 0.000000 (float)
0x32-e:   [FallFlying] 0 0x0 (byte)
0x32-e:   [Fire] -1 0xffffffff (short)
0x32-e:   [HandDropChances] LIST-23 {
0x32-e:     [] 0.085000 (float)
0x32-e:     [] 0.085000 (float)
0x32-e:   } LIST-23
0x32-e:   [HandItems] LIST-24 {
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-44 {
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-44
0x32-e:     [] COMPOUND-45 {
0x32-e:     } COMPOUND-45
0x32-e:   } LIST-24
0x32-e:   [Health] 16.000000 (float)
0x32-e:   [HurtByTimestamp] 0 0x0 (int)
0x32-e:   [HurtTime] 0 0x0 (short)
0x32-e:   [Invulnerable] 0 0x0 (byte)
0x32-e:   [Leashed] 0 0x0 (byte)
0x32-e:   [LeftHanded] 0 0x0 (byte)
0x32-e:   [Motion] LIST-25 {
0x32-e:     [] 0.000000 (double)
0x32-e:     [] -0.078400 (double)
0x32-e:     [] 0.000000 (double)
0x32-e:   } LIST-25
0x32-e:   [OnGround] 1 0x1 (byte)
0x32-e:   [PersistenceRequired] 0 0x0 (byte)
0x32-e:   [PortalCooldown] 0 0x0 (int)
0x32-e:   [Pos] LIST-26 {
0x32-e:     [] -363.500000 (double)
0x32-e:     [] 44.000000 (double)
0x32-e:     [] -201.500000 (double)
0x32-e:   } LIST-26
0x32-e:   [Rotation] LIST-27 {
0x32-e:     [] 109.358017 (float)
0x32-e:     [] 0.000000 (float)
0x32-e:   } LIST-27
0x32-e:   [Spigot.ticksLived] 244 0xf4 (int)
0x32-e:   [UUIDLeast] -6038013912661385698 0xac34aa5652f39e1e (long)
0x32-e:   [UUIDMost] 6908564033108197668 0x5fe026628d744124 (long)
0x32-e:   [WorldUUIDLeast] -7379614433345739099 0x999657c59114e6a5 (long)
0x32-e:   [WorldUUIDMost] -8376407472421318910 0x8bc105c8b0664f02 (long)
0x32-e:   [id] 35 0x23 (int)
0x32-e: } COMPOUND-31
0x32-e: NBT Decode End (3 tags)
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_cast'
  what():  std::bad_cast
kylesutton commented 5 years ago

The files attached to the old ticket may still show the issue. If not, I'll have to figure out how to get a 32MB zip to you.