Plippo / asus-wmi-screenpad

Variation of the asus-wmi kernel module with screenpad brightness support
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Manjaro - No such file or directory #19

Open Mawiel opened 3 years ago

Mawiel commented 3 years ago

Hello, I am using Manjaro 21.0 with Kernel 5.12 and I get this error:

cat: '/sys/class/leds/asus::screenpad/brightness': No such file or directory /usr/bin/screenpad: line 5: [: =: unary operator expected /usr/bin/screenpad: line 21: /sys/class/leds/asus::screenpad/brightness: No such file or directory

I tried both your commandlines and AUR package, same result, did I miss anything?

Cheers, Andreas :)

Plippo commented 3 years ago

If the folder /sys/class/leds/asus::screenpad doesn't exist, the module either hasn't been installed correctly or doesn't recognize your device. Did you receive error messages installing the module? What device are you using?

sophietheopossum commented 3 years ago

that may be related to #16 , also the current aur package will not correctly fail when dkms fails, so that may also be the cause

sophietheopossum commented 3 years ago

hmmm after some more testing, even with #16 resolved and using the script instructions to avoid the broken aur something still is not right. that's odd because #18 reported success on this device, the ux482ea. i'm guessing there must be some sort of kernel difference, I will assume it's the version at fault, but if that fails i'll try to do some further investigation into whether it's a distribution specific patch

edit: eurgh, manjaro doesn't seem to make using anything below 5.10 easy. there may be a delay whie i setup something i'm more comfortable with, such as gentoo for testing, unless you have any ideas

kevinchappell commented 2 years ago

@sophietheopossum did you make any progress? I am now facing the same issue after a recent upgrade

edit: I forgot to mention I was using ubuntu with 5.11 kernel. Tried a full system install but even with kernel 5.8 I still get the error No such file or directory message. I find it strange that this originally worked great and now not at all.

macbrownzie commented 2 years ago

Good Morning All, Just as a data point, I upgraded my ASUS Zenbook UX581G running Ubuntu 20.10 from kernel to the latest and patched the kernel with dkms and built and installed the module and even after a reboot the /sys/class/leds/asus::screenpad folder is not there.

The lsmod shows the asus-wmi module installed but no folder is created.

I restarted using the older kernel ( and the folder is created on boot as expected.

I am not sure how to help with troubleshooting the patch, but I would be happy to contribute to the project if someone can point me in the right direction.


kevinchappell commented 2 years ago

@macbrownzie On UX482 I am using a reinstall script on Ubuntu 20.04. after upgrading the kernel i run:

You can also make a dpkg upgrade hook that calls the script after upgrade

echo 'DPkg::Post-Invoke {"/path/to/";};' | sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/80upgradehook

The problem with the upgrade hook is it runs after every upgrade, whether kernel upgrade was performed or not. It may be possible to add a condition for only kernel upgrade hook.

macbrownzie commented 2 years ago

Good Morning kevinchappell,

Thanks for the suggestion (and script link) for how to automate the build of the dkms module.

I assume the script will re build the module the next time I upgrade. I do't believe this resolves rhe issue with missing file on Ubuntu 20.10 with kernel,

Thabks fornyour help,

FossPrime commented 1 year ago

This is a duplicate of #9 ... I got it working without any issue by installing from yay -S asus-wmi-screenpad-dkms-git On Manjaro Gnome 22 Linux 5.15 on an Asus UX8402