Plippo / asus-wmi-screenpad

Variation of the asus-wmi kernel module with screenpad brightness support
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No new device in /sys/class/leds/asus::screenpad. #37

Open onizucode opened 2 years ago

onizucode commented 2 years ago


After installing everything i don't have any screenpad folder.

tee: '/sys/class/leds/asus::screenpad/brightness': Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type 245

Do you have the same issue, i have the ux482-EA

onizucode commented 2 years ago

Hi this is my kernel 5.14.10-300.fc35.x86_64

jibsaramnim commented 2 years ago

I'm not the creator of this kernel module, but I too have an UX482EA running Fedora, and it's been working fine for me, even with more recent kernels. Do you happen to have logs you can share of the individual steps you have taken to try to install the module? That might help point to what went wrong.

fabian-milea commented 2 years ago

Hello, same for me, ux842ea and with kernel fedora 5.16.19-200 the device is not present. I've followed the instructions on the Readme.

fabian-milea commented 2 years ago

Fixed it... it was the secure boot enabled from BIOS. I had to disable the secure boot and now I see the module with: lsmod | grep asus ant the file is there now!

Betree commented 2 years ago

Fixed it... it was the secure boot enabled from BIOS. I had to disable the secure boot and now I see the module with: lsmod | grep asus ant the file is there now!

Thank you, had the same issue and this worked! Could be an interesting one to add to the docs

fabian-milea commented 2 years ago

I do not have the file anymore after upgrade to kernel 5.17.5 on PopOS.... tried uninstall and reinstall but no success so far, the module is present:

mcf@:asus$ lsmod | grep asus asus_nb_wmi 28672 0 asus_wmi 53248 1 asus_nb_wmi platform_profile 16384 1 asus_wmi sparse_keymap 16384 1 asus_wmi wmi 32768 2 asus_wmi,wmi_bmof video 53248 2 asus_wmi,i915

jibsaramnim commented 2 years ago

Did you check the troubleshooting section -- specifically the second half that mentions the mdf_aaeon extension and how to disable that? That seems to be something that helped others who are using an Ubuntu or one of its derivatives.

fabian-milea commented 2 years ago

Thanks! after following the steps in the troubleshooting guide, I was able to fully remove the module so I can reinstall! It works now! sudo mv asus-nb-wmi.ko asus-nb-wmi.ko_bak sudo mv asus-wmi.ko asus-wmi.ko_bak sudo ln -s ../../../../extra/asus-nb-wmi.ko ./ sudo ln -s ../../../../extra/asus-wmi.ko ./ sudo depmod -a

SeaPee commented 1 year ago

Hi Plippo, first thanks for your outstanding work. I'm currently running Fedora 36 with kernel 5.18.9-200.fc36.x86_64 and the kernel extension is still working like a charm. It's such a relief to use this machine with Fedora rather than Windows (Y) Firstly, it took me a while to get it going. Maybe this clue helps someone. Please make sure, that the package "patch" is installed on your machine. I was debugging the script for just a while, just to find out that the module "patch" was missing on my machine and therefore nothing has been installed. This was very hard to see and it took some tinkering to finally proof it. Just run sudo dnf install patch and make sure it's installed.

For convenience I've created a complete script for installation. It's running through the different stages:

0 rename to

1 installing whiptail for better interaction

2 checking, if patch is installed and reinstalling it (dnf for fedora)

3 performing the complete package:

3a prepare for current kernel

3b dkms build

3c dkms install

4 hinting the user to do a reboot.

Maybe this is helpful for somebody :)

Sironi-00 commented 1 year ago

After a recently updating I ran in to the Error and when trying to blacklist mdf_aaeon got "set the resume variable to override" which was fixed by following solution

zkornas commented 1 year ago

If anyone else continued to run into this issue even after disabling secure boot, I found that updating my GPU drivers resolved it.