Plippo / asus-wmi-screenpad

Variation of the asus-wmi kernel module with screenpad brightness support
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did nothing except ruining boot #62

Open Ponali opened 2 days ago

Ponali commented 2 days ago

I'm currently using an ASUS VivoBook, with a Screenpad, dualbooting Linux Mint and Windows 11. I wanted to have the features from the installed ASUS software from my windows partition to my linux partition, using the screenpad-tools repo, and started with this. The first 4 steps were easy to get along, but then came the fifth. Apparently, i have to put in a password, different to Linux, so that third-party drivers could be used along with Secure boot. I was a little scared, but i put in a new password anyway, and rebooted my computer. I was greeted with a new boot menu, possibly regarding the Secure Boot shenanigans, and selected "Continue boot". I finally got GRUB, but the resolution was scaled down to the minimum resolution (due to how my UEFI works, it scales it back to the whole monitor.) I selected Linux Mint, waited a bit, and the resolution went back to normal. I tried running the command from step 6, with "XXX" replaced to "0", but instead of having the brightness change, I got an error, saying the file doesn't exist.

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Ponali commented 2 days ago

i rebooted my computer again, and the Secure Boot menu dissapeared, and everything went like if nothing happened??