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Trackview insets jump with sticky track #135

Closed finder39 closed 6 years ago

finder39 commented 8 years ago

insets jump

alexmarchant commented 8 years ago

Ya, that was intentional, but it has caused some problems. Most notably when you click and hold on the scroll bar and move the mouse up and down, it really wreaks havoc on sticky track placement.

The rationale behind this decision was that since the sticky track is on top of the table view/scroll view, the scroll bar would fall behind the sticky track and was obscured. This looked strange. I spent some time trying to pin the sticky track inside the scroll view but didn't have much luck. Maybe that is still the route to go and we just need to spend more time making that work. Or maybe having the scroll bar behind the sticky track is NBD.

finder39 commented 8 years ago

Hmm I get what you mean. We could work on having the stick track being behind the scroll bar, I'll look at it at some point. Just logging it for now :)