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Request: Big Table of Transports #19

Open joncamfield opened 7 years ago

joncamfield commented 7 years ago

Fill in a table with different properties of currently active transports (with a template or structure to add new ones).

Properties to include:

joncamfield commented 7 years ago
DavidMOliver commented 7 years ago

ROT13 Pluggable Transport

Which platforms has the PT been released/developed for?

The ROT13 pluggable transport has been developed for mobile devices running the Android (version 4.3 and newer) or iOS operating systems (version 6 or newer). The server-side component of this transport has been developed for the Linux OS.

What programming language(s) is it written in?

Java (Android), Objective-C (iOS)

TCP and/or UDP support

TCP only.

PT includes crypto

ROT13 is based on the most advanced cryptographic technology yet developed. If you are a US-based developer, you'll need to register your application with the US government for export.

PT masks timing


PT masks size


Host diversity

The server-side component is interoperable with Azure and AWS cloud servers, in addition to dedicated Linux servers.

Operating cost

The ROT13 transport does not significantly increase the number of bytes transmitted for a given transaction, does not generate additional meta-transactions for each actual transaction, and does not leak meta-data outside the transport itself. This is similar for both server-side and device-side modules.

Power consumption (varies by platform?)

The advanced cryptographic operations require significant additional power on the device-side, resulting from the mathematical computation. Therefore, this PT is likely most useful for applications that have low-volumes of network transactions.

The cryptographic protocols are similarly consumptive of server power, though it matters less in that environment.

Bandwidth requirements and/or ideal bandwidth usage (best for streaming vs l


Limited additional bandwidth required, but the cost of computing the network transmissions, instead, is best for apps that require limited bandwidth.

Has the code been audited?

Our code is currently being audited by Cure53.

Has the PT approach been audited/researched for security/obfuscation?

As above

Threat model / relevance to different censorship approaches

This PT is ideal for environments in which DPI is in place by adversaries.

joncamfield commented 7 years ago

Draft at