PluginBugs / Issues-CinematicStudio

Repository used to keep track of issues of my plugin CinematicsStudio
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Performance Issues with On Join Listener #63

Closed MinecraftCitiesNetwork closed 2 months ago

MinecraftCitiesNetwork commented 6 months ago


Discord tag (optional)


What happened?

Noticing tick spikes above 100ms, spark report shows an issue with on join events.

Steps to reproduce the issue

Have the plugin on your server.

Server version

[13:03:58 INFO]: This server is running Pufferfish version git-Pufferfish-39 (MC: 1.20.4) (Implementing API version 1.20.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 8043ed7 on HEAD)

CinematicsStudio Version

[13:03:50 INFO]: CinematicStudio version 1.4.6

ProtocolLib Version

[13:03:33 INFO]: ProtocolLib version 5.2.0-SNAPSHOT-679

LoneLibs Version

[13:03:22 INFO]: LoneLibs version 1.0.42

FULL server log

Not applicable.

Error (optional)

No response

CinematicsStudio config.yml

#               Configuration for 'Cutscene Studio'
#                       By CraterHater
#       Please report any issues, suggestions or questions. 
#       Contact; 
#       Configuration allows for various changes to be made to internal
#       systems of this plugin. Please do not touch any settings you are
#       unsure about. It may cause the plugin to stop working the way you
#       intend it to. Please keep the '' around text. 
#       This configuration will automatically add new entries when updating
#       to newer versions. It will not overwrite or change entries. This means
#       some entries may need to be deleted if entries are changed. Please read
#       update changelogs carefully when updating from Spigot.

#       Administrative Settings
show_startup_message: true

# The command that is used to control the plugin. You can change it to whatever you wish.
main_command: 'studio'

# Alternatives you can use instead of the main command
- 'st'

- "st"

# What permission users must have to access all commands. Give them the permission specified below + '.*' to give them access to all commands. Operators always have access to all commands.
main_permission: 'cinematicStudio'

Problematic items yml configuration file (optional)

No response

Other files, you can drag and drop them here to upload. (optional)

No response

Screenshots/Videos (you can drag and drop files or paste links)