PluginBugs / Issues-EpicBackpacks

Repository used to keep track of issues of my plugin EpicBackpacks
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Allow admins to opening any physical backpack even if in unloaded chunk, inventory or as drop #111

Open SirCraftypants opened 7 months ago

SirCraftypants commented 7 months ago

I have the maximum backpacks per player set to 2.

I couldn't find anything about Admins opening backpacks in the EBP Wiki, went in game and tried the following command /epb <name> and it opened a backpack for said player but what if players have more than 1 backpack. Can't find anything about it on the Wiki. Also searched here on Github, all i could find was a few feature reports requesting offline player backpack access.

If the above is already possible, please could you put it on the wiki. If not then please could you implement something so that Admins can access all of a players backpacks.

Offline access would be great but the immediate issue is the ability to access a players multiple backpacks.


LoneDev6 commented 6 months ago

Players can't have more than 1 virtual backpacks. If you are referring to physical backpacks then this is not possible as physical backpacks are saved in the world itself and won't be obtainable when a chunk is unloaded or player is offline.

In version 2.0.0 you will be able to access any physical backpack by its original crafter, last open/edit date and maybe also by item contents because their data won't be in the NBT of the backpack ItemStack anymore but will be saved in MySQL or in YML and will be always accessible (depends on what setting you set).

SirCraftypants commented 6 months ago

Players can't have more than 1 virtual backpacks. If you are referring to physical backpacks then this is not possible as physical backpacks are saved in the world itself and won't be obtainable when a chunk is unloaded or player is offline.

In version 2.0.0 you will be able to access any physical backpack by its original crafter, last open/edit date and maybe also by item contents.

So if i access a players inventory as adminiatrator/op using Invsee plugin, i will be able to access/edit any physical backpack in their inventory? If so will i also have the ability to access and edit their physical backpacks in their RPGBank also?

LoneDev6 commented 6 months ago

For now if you use an Invsee plugin you can take their physical backpacks, open them in your inventory, edit them and put them back to the other player inventory.

edit their physical backpacks in their RPGBank also? Yes if you take their physical backpacks out of the bank and do the same as explained before