PluginBugs / Issues-EpicBackpacks

Repository used to keep track of issues of my plugin EpicBackpacks
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[BUG] Backpacks put in Enderchest #32

Closed Pyario closed 2 years ago

Pyario commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug If you use the command / ec or / enderchest to open the enderchest and take a backpack from the inventory you can click (or sometimes you have to click several times in the Enderchest inventory to do that ...) in the enderchest the item join the enderchest. I deactivated it so that you can put it in the enderchest..

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Enter /ec from EssentialsX or with your own plugin
  2. Take the backpack that is in the inventory in hand
  3. With the backpack in hand, click into a free slot in the Enderchest (sometimes you have to click several times, but most of the time you can do it with one click)
  4. You have a Backpack in Enderchest...

Expected behavior I have no idea how to fix it, I think you can think of something.

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Pyario commented 2 years ago

Please fix that! :)

LoneDev6 commented 2 years ago

Thanks, I'm working on a fix