[X] I'm using the very latest version of ItemsAdder and its dependencies.
[X] I already searched on this Github page to check if the same issue was already reported.
[X] I already searched on the plugin wiki to know if a solution is already known.
[X] I already asked on the #💬ia-community-help channel on Discord to know if anyone already has a solution for the issue.
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What happened?
Basically where side-light was used instead of front light when it was created in Blockbench, making the big player GUI head seem dimmer than it should be.
This server is running Paper version git-Paper-263 (MC: 1.17.1) (Implementing API version 1.17.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 3069eae)
You are 146 version(s) behind
Previous version: git-Paper-172 (MC: 1.17.1)
namespace: heads
enabled: true
display_name: Head 1x1 GUI
generate: false
model_path: item/player_head_gui_size_1
material: PLAYER_HEAD
- '&7Put this into a GUI to show the player skull.'
- " "
- "&7Hold this item and use the EssentialsX"
- "&7command `/skull PLAYERNAME` to change"
- "&7the owner of this skull and change its texture."
enabled: true
display_name: Big Head 2x2 GUI
generate: false
model_path: item/player_head_gui_size_4
material: PLAYER_HEAD
- "&7Put this into a GUI to show the player skull."
- " "
- "&7Hold this item and use the EssentialsX"
- "&7command `/skull PLAYERNAME` to change"
- "&7the owner of this skull and change its texture."
enabled: true
display_name: Head ItemFrame size
generate: false
model_path: item/player_head_block_size_item_frame
material: PLAYER_HEAD
- '&7Put this into an "Invisible:1b" and'
- '&7"Fixed:1b" ItemFrame.'
- " "
- "&7Hold this item and use the EssentialsX"
- "&7command `/skull PLAYERNAME` to change"
- "&7the owner of this skull and change its texture."
enabled: true
display_name: Big Head
generate: false
model_path: item/player_head_hand_size_2
material: PLAYER_HEAD
- "&7Hold this item in mainhand or offhand"
- "&7to wear it automatically."
- " "
- "&7Hold this item and use the EssentialsX"
- "&7command `/skull PLAYERNAME` to change"
- "&7the owner of this skull and change its texture."
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Discord tag (optional)
What happened?
Basically where side-light was used instead of front light when it was created in Blockbench, making the big player GUI head seem dimmer than it should be.
Steps to reproduce the issue
Download the Custom player heads addon: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/items-custom-player-heads-2d-head-big-wearable-head.99121/ Apply it to itemsadder and put it in a gui and it is dim.
Server version
This server is running Paper version git-Paper-263 (MC: 1.17.1) (Implementing API version 1.17.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: 3069eae) You are 146 version(s) behind Previous version: git-Paper-172 (MC: 1.17.1)
ItemsAdder Version
ItemsAdder version 3.0.2
ProtocolLib Version
LoneLibs Version
LightAPI Version (optional)
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LibsDisguises Version (optional)
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Error (optional)
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ItemsAdder config.yml
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Other files, you can drag and drop them here to upload. (optional)
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