Closed KadTheHunter closed 4 years ago
Tried it again, same result. It saves the arena (including spawn position) in plugin data however. Upon joining the game via /au join, the tip above hotbar saying you've joined doesn't appear.
Can you provide full log?
including backtrace.
2020-11-27 [21:18:42] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: ErrorException: "Undefined offset: 1" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/AmongUs_dev-53.phar/src/alvin0319/AmongUs/game/Game" at line 193
2020-11-27 [21:18:42] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #0 plugins/AmongUs_dev-53.phar/src/alvin0319/AmongUs/game/Game(193): pocketmine\utils\Utils::errorExceptionHandler(integer 8, string[19] Undefined offset: 1, string[86] phar:///home/container/plugins/AmongUs_dev-53.phar/src/alvin0319/AmongUs/game/Ga, integer 193, array[2])
2020-11-27 [21:18:42] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #1 (): alvin0319\AmongUs\game\Game->alvin0319\AmongUs\game\{closure}(string[2] 30)
2020-11-27 [21:18:42] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #2 plugins/AmongUs_dev-53.phar/src/alvin0319/AmongUs/game/Game(195): array_map(object Closure, array[7])
2020-11-27 [21:18:42] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #3 plugins/AmongUs_dev-53.phar/src/alvin0319/AmongUs/task/WorldCopyAsyncTask(95): alvin0319\AmongUs\game\Game->alvin0319\AmongUs\game\{closure}()
2020-11-27 [21:18:42] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #4 src/pocketmine/scheduler/AsyncPool(319): alvin0319\AmongUs\task\WorldCopyAsyncTask->onCompletion(object pocketmine\Server)
2020-11-27 [21:18:42] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #5 src/pocketmine/Server(2395): pocketmine\scheduler\AsyncPool->collectTasks()
2020-11-27 [21:18:42] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #6 src/pocketmine/Server(2154): pocketmine\Server->tick()
2020-11-27 [21:18:42] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #7 src/pocketmine/Server(1994): pocketmine\Server->tickProcessor()
2020-11-27 [21:18:42] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #8 src/pocketmine/Server(1588): pocketmine\Server->start()
2020-11-27 [21:18:42] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #9 src/pocketmine/PocketMine(273): pocketmine\Server->__construct(object BaseClassLoader, object pocketmine\utils\MainLogger, string[16] /home/container/, string[24] /home/container/plugins/)
2020-11-27 [21:18:42] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #10 src/pocketmine/PocketMine(304): pocketmine\server()
2020-11-27 [21:18:42] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: #11 (11): require(string[71] phar:///home/container/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/pocketmine/PocketMine.php)
2020-11-27 [21:18:42] [Server thread/EMERGENCY]: An unrecoverable error has occurred and the server has crashed. Creating a crash dump
2020-11-27 [21:18:42] [Server thread/EMERGENCY]: Please upload the "/home/container/crashdumps/Fri_Nov_27-21.18.42-UTC_2020.log" file to the Crash Archive and submit the link to the Bug Reporting page. Give as much info as you can.
2020-11-27 [21:18:42] [Server thread/EMERGENCY]: Failed to communicate with crash archive: Unknown error
@KadTheHunter Could you send path_to_your_server/plugin_data/AmongUs/AmongUsData.json
I wiped the data to simplify work I was doing, but I can re-create the problem and send data later.
@KadTheHunter Could you send
Used latest Dev build (56), same error, and the above is the AmongUsData.json
wait a minute
What's your
World Name: games
Config Settings:
# _ _ _
# / \ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ __ _| | | |___
# / _ \ | '_ ` _ \ / _ \| '_ \ / _` | | | / __|
# / ___ \| | | | | | (_) | | | | (_| | |_| \__ \
# /_/ \_\_| |_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\__, |\___/|___/
# |___/
# Here you can Customize the AmongUs Plugin Game settings.
# How many games can be made on the server.
# Recommended: 3-5
max_games: 4
# Select which world should the game be made.
world_name: games
Which World I did Setup in: games
Edit: I have 3 worlds, plots
, city
, and games
. games is games with an s, and I already double checked spelling between world name and among us settings, and all my attempts past and current have been in the games world. No other plugin is currently involved in the games world either.
Hmm @alvin0319
Something else I just noticed is that AmongUs made a copy of the games world, and called the folder games_0
, though the actual world name appears to still be games
. I haven't checked level.dat yet, but /status shows the following:
I'm assuming (games)
references the world name being different from the folder name.
Not sure if this is intentional, or related to the crash, just though I'd let you know.
the copy world is where the game works
Btw Delete AmongUsData.json and the map games_0
Setup again but this time do /aum setmapimage {id} and then try setting the spawn position
but this time do /aum setmapimage {id} and then try setting the spawn position
Just tried, and you can't do that because the map ID doesn't exist until you set the spawn position. Literally when you do /aum setmapimage 0
, it says there is no map with ID 0, and the same goes for any other number. The Map ID is set/created when you set the spawn positions.
Do u have the Virions and plugins needed? SimpleMapRenderer, Invmenu, png-converter etc
Didn't have some of them, just got them and tested again, still has the issue. It sets Map ID as 0, then crashes the server.
I can confirm all of the above is true, however crashes using getFolderName on null @ 681 of Game.
I can confirm all of the above is true, however crashes using getFolderName on null @ 681 of Game.
Post the exact error in a code block, it helps devs.
I can confirm all of the above is true, however crashes using getFolderName on null @ 681 of Game.
Post the exact error in a code block, it helps devs.
It's pretty self explanatory for any developer but this is the line
I can confirm all of the above is true, however crashes using getFolderName on null @ 681 of Game.
Post the exact error in a code block, it helps devs.
It's pretty self explanatory for any developer but this is the line
Check now
in "plugins/AmongUs/src/alvin0319/AmongUs/game/Game" at line 193
When tap block spawn, I've installed all the depend
TypeError: "Argument 1 passed to pocketmine\Server ::unloadLevel() must be an instance of pocketmine\level\Level, null given, called in /r oot/pmmp/plugins/AmongUs/src/alvin0319/AmongUs/AmongUs.php on line 215" (EXCEPTION) in "src/pocketmine/Server" at line 915
Issue Description
Server crashes when you set the spawn position Step to Reproduce
Expected behavior
Expected it to set spawn positions Actual behavior
It crashed the entire server Screenshots
PocketMine-MP Info
Additional context or Notes
[21:18:42] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: ErrorException: "Undefined offset: 1" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/AmongUs_dev-53.phar/src/alvin0319/AmongUs/game/Game" at line 193
Line 193 of Game.php: