PlumCantaloupe / circlesxr

A work-in-progress framework that aims to bring together multi-user XR experiences in learning using WebXR.
MIT License
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Group Functionality such as Group Size Restrictions and Group Setters #219

Open wakandacat opened 4 months ago

wakandacat commented 4 months ago

When implementing a CirclesXR world, my goal was to create groups of up to 4 users to collaborate in the virtual space. However, I was unable to figure out an easy way to go about this. I can create a new group and assign users to it but I'm not sure how I would create additional groups once a size limit has been hit for the first group. Implementing group size restrictions in the future would be beneficial to some of the projects using this framework. Additionally, on the topic of groups, should there be a setter function to create a group or is it necessary to manually manipulate the URL for every group we want to create?

PlumCantaloupe commented 4 months ago

Thanks for this. I'll look into it. If you log in with a role that allows group formations, e.g., the usernames or you can create custom groups and magic links to send to those you want in the group.