PlummersSoftwareLLC / NightDriverStrip

NightDriver client for ESP32
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bump to C++2a #560

Closed robertlipe closed 7 months ago

robertlipe commented 7 months ago


Moves the roof of C++ support from C++17 to C++2a.

TLDR: Change the language and library policy from "<= GNU++17" to "if it's supported by the provided toolchain, you can use it."

This obviously the minimal patch to allow for with, with the underlying requirement having been previously chipped away for a while. Since this one-liner takes 2+ hour of machine compile-time, it seems worth throwing it into the next integration cycle.

Additional changes that actually allow use of C++20 and 23, as allowed by GCC and Libg++ until the underlying ESP-IDF brings in even more, to come.

It's not my intention to go nuts replacing everything with modules and such, but I would like toke advantage of std::format (not in our libg++ yet), ranges (a very natural way to express effects), concepts (better template error message) and variadic templates (hello, str_sprintf), span and view (pointer, length tuples, strongly supported by the libraries) std::chrono to replace the awful C-era time functions,

We, of course, remain limited to what ESP-IDF gives us...which is annoyingly behind the times but not drastically so. GCC 14 is currently in stabilization branch and we're on 12.2, so a littel over a year behind, but enough for std::format to be on on the wrong side of the split.

I decided to to go for '2a' isntead of '20' because the current G++ is so old it doesn't understand "23" (for good reasons) of 23 that we can use today (#elifdef, #elifndef, std::to_underlying, more constexpr (like unique_ptr) that are nice.

Tested: Successful buddybuid. [ ... ] Wrote 0x19f770 bytes to file ~/.pio/build/xmastrees/merged_image.bin, ready to flash to offset 0x0 ======================== [SUCCESS] Took 135.78 seconds ========================

Environment Status Duration

xmastrees SUCCESS 00:02:15.784 ========================= 1 succeeded in 00:02:15.784 =========================

As this is a policy change I consider it a worthy expemption for blinkenbits because it opens the door for programmer producivity in not havign to restrain ourselves to old practices.