Hello ~
There is something weird situation when I PR feature branch.
I made workflow for feature branch to comment same as main branch but fails every times except for main branch.
error message :
→ Authentication
✔ API key is valid, you are authenticated!
→ Project Setup
✔ Existing Org Found
✔ Existing Project Found
→ Plan
✔ Execution Plan Generated
✔ Plan Cache Created
✔ Secrets Stripped
Cost Calculation Skipped
→ Graph
✔ Diagram Generated
✘ Posting Run To Pluralith Dashboard Failed
posting run for PR comment failed -> PostGraph: request failed -> LogRun: map[code:400 error:map[] message:Logging run failed]
Can you check this? CLI version is latest version.
Hello ~ There is something weird situation when I PR feature branch.
I made workflow for feature branch to comment same as main branch but fails every times except for main branch.
error message : → Authentication ✔ API key is valid, you are authenticated! → Project Setup ✔ Existing Org Found ✔ Existing Project Found → Plan ✔ Execution Plan Generated ✔ Plan Cache Created ✔ Secrets Stripped
Can you check this? CLI version is latest version.