PlusPlus-ua / ha_tuya_ble

Home Assistant support for Tuya BLE devices
MIT License
155 stars 98 forks source link

Is there anybody who can merge the Pull requests?? #114

Open k2dp2k opened 4 months ago

k2dp2k commented 4 months ago

It´s very bad to not really have an up to date Repo....

phid78 commented 3 months ago

Maybe because if you read first page until the end, you will note that the owner live in Ukraine...

k2dp2k commented 3 months ago

Yeah I now that, I hope he is doing well :-) I just wanted to know if there is anybody else with access to this repo...

pathob commented 1 month ago

I'm also concerned about the fact that the owner of this project lives in the Ukraine and hope he is okay. But from his contribution activity graph I can also see in the last years that he had the tendency to be very active over the period of a few months and then "disappeared" for a long time again.

There are some substantial contributions by different people in their own forks, such as @markusg1234 @airy10 @Raph22 @carferrer and others.

Anyone interested in putting your efforts together, create an organisation and create a maintained fork there?

pathob commented 1 month ago

I've also contacted @PlusPlus-ua via email, let's see...

sirloinofbeef commented 1 month ago

Following with interest as I can't seem to find a fork that works with my BLE lights.