PlusPlus-ua / ha_tuya_ble

Home Assistant support for Tuya BLE devices
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Climate BLE not working ? + Possibility to integrate radiator thermostat with ID "081bzoun" #58

Open dimitribo opened 1 year ago

dimitribo commented 1 year ago


I have set up the bluetooth proxi with a ESP32 and now i'm detecting with the TUYA BLE some radiator thermostat devices. When i want to integrate them, i must fill in my credentials from tuya, but i can't see the indentities for it. Is it possible that the climate is not working at this moment ?

Also, if a look int the code, my devices are not supported at this moment. They have a "product_id": "081bzoun".

From de tuya cloud i get this info:

Query Device Details Output { "result": { "active_time": 1691526941, "category": "wk", "create_time": 1691004665, "custom_name": "Radiator Chillruimte", "icon": "smart/icon/ay1554288005676QBjh1/0a15ceb659facabcdea8b6fbcc4a78c7.png", "id": "bfff21aac3ea498c7alkxj", "ip": "", "is_online": true, "lat": "50.8522", "local_key": "^?%'^f=dvMl%)N=`", "lon": "2.8099", "model": "HBRT-100", "name": "Hombli Smart Radiator Thermostat 4", "product_id": "081bzoun", "product_name": "Hombli Smart Radiator Thermostat", "sub": true, "time_zone": "+02:00", "update_time": 1691526968, "uuid": "df77893be7074e3b" }, "success": true, "t": 1691566789519, "tid": "eb7f66ea368711ee980f468506b8b79e" }

Device Control > Query Properties { "result": { "properties": [ { "code": "window_check", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 8, "time": 1691526942812, "value": true }, { "code": "frost", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 10, "time": 1691526942821, "value": true }, { "code": "temp_unit_convert", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 23, "time": 1691526941148, "value": "c" }, { "code": "temp_correction", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 27, "time": 1691526942898, "value": 0 }, { "code": "child_lock", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 40, "time": 1691526942808, "value": true }, { "code": "switch", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 101, "time": 1691526976579, "value": true }, { "code": "current_temp", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 102, "time": 1691540864103, "value": 209 }, { "code": "set_temp", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 103, "time": 1691526945178, "value": 160 }, { "code": "motor_opening", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 104, "time": 1691526941148, "value": 0 }, { "code": "battery_power", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 105, "time": 1691526942182, "value": 0 }, { "code": "a_key_home", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 106, "time": 1691526942187, "value": false }, { "code": "prog_mode", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 107, "time": 1691526941148 }, { "code": "prog_switch", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 108, "time": 1691526942189, "value": true }, { "code": "prog_data", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 109, "time": 1691526941148 }, { "code": "historical_day_set", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 110, "time": 1691541058230, "value": "EBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" }, { "code": "system_time", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 111, "time": 1691526941148 }, { "code": "historical_week_set", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 112, "time": 1691541058635, "value": "AAEAAAAAAA==" }, { "code": "historical_month_set", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 113, "time": 1691541059050, "value": "AAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==" }, { "code": "historical_year_set", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 114, "time": 1691541059354, "value": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" }, { "code": "historical_day_now", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 115, "time": 1691541058124, "value": "FRQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" }, { "code": "historical_week_now", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 116, "time": 1691541058446, "value": "AAEAAAAAAA==" }, { "code": "historical_month_now", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 117, "time": 1691541058845, "value": "AAAAAAAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==" }, { "code": "historical_year_now", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 118, "time": 1691541059250, "value": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" }, { "code": "historical_day_pow", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 119, "time": 1691541058355, "value": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" }, { "code": "historical_week_pow", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 120, "time": 1691541058743, "value": "AAAAAAAAAA==" }, { "code": "historical_month_pow", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 121, "time": 1691541059147, "value": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA==" }, { "code": "historical_year_pow", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 122, "time": 1691541059454, "value": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" }, { "code": "prog_data_1", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 123, "time": 1691541057210, "value": "BAFoAMgB4ACgBDgAyAUoAKA=" }, { "code": "prog_data_2", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 124, "time": 1691541057306, "value": "BAFoAMgB4ACgBDgAyAUoAKA=" }, { "code": "prog_data_3", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 125, "time": 1691541057417, "value": "BAFoAMgB4ACgBDgAyAUoAKA=" }, { "code": "prog_data_4", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 126, "time": 1691541057633, "value": "BAFoAMgB4ACgBDgAyAUoAKA=" }, { "code": "prog_data_5", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 127, "time": 1691541057742, "value": "BAFoAMgB4ACgBDgAyAUoAKA=" }, { "code": "prog_data_6", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 128, "time": 1691541057834, "value": "BAFoAMgB4ACgBDgAyAUoAKA=" }, { "code": "prog_data_7", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 129, "time": 1691541057953, "value": "BAFoAMgB4ACgBDgAyAUoAKA=" }, { "code": "water_sca", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 130, "time": 1691526942891, "value": true }, { "code": "mode_1", "custom_name": "", "dp_id": 131, "time": 1691526941148, "value": "heat" } ] }, "success": true, "t": 1691566921060, "tid": "39e8b81e368811ee9a70760d0d3c40d3" }

In home assistant i get this: image

And signal strengt not available ? image

What is wrong ? How can i get it working please ? Is this possible with the already addes "climats" or not ?

Kind regards !

dimitribo commented 1 year ago

Modified the code today. I added the "product id" (081bzoun) in the places where i think thery must come. And now i have more entities. But at this moment, there is no entitie availeble ... What should i do or what is false please ?


dimitribo commented 1 year ago

Hello, I allready added now 10 thermostats, they are ll reconigzed by BLE. But al my value's stay's unavailable ...


Somebody thad can help me please ? I allready added the intentities ... but somewhere is must be forgotten something .. a link to update values or ... Can i look in de log or something to find it ?

Please ?

dimitribo commented 1 year ago

Hello, Some weeks further now, and I still doesn't have connection to HA. So my thermostats are find with BLE, i modified the code so that i can see more entities. But I still doesn't get values. I’ve seen that some people also add new devices in the code (see chapter “pull requests”) and there it is working fine.

Is there something more that must be fill in by Tuya, or in HA, or in the code ? Permissions ? I tested, modified, but without success.

Please someone can help me to get it running please ? If i must give log's or something ...

Thanks !!!