PlusPlus-ua / ha_tuya_ble

Home Assistant support for Tuya BLE devices
MIT License
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Add new Fingerbot Plus Category: kg and Product ID: mknd4lci #89

Open Snuffy2 opened 5 months ago

Snuffy2 commented 5 months ago

I just got a Fingerbot Plus and was excited to use this integration. Unfortunately it didn't work and looking closer I found that my device had a different category and product id than what was listed in the readme.

Getting the dp IDs from these 2 approaches, I was able to add support:

Tuya BLE Debug Log:

DEBUG (MainThread) [] Retrieved: uuid: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, local_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, device_id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, category: kg, product_id: mknd4lci, device_name: Family Room Fireplace, product_model: BS-FB-V3.1, product_name: Finger Robot

IDs from the Tuya API:

    "102":"Down Movement",
    "103":"Sustain Time",
    "106":"Up Movement",
    "107":"Touch Control",
    "121":"Adaptive Movement",

IDs from tuya-uncover:

"Family Room Fireplace": {
  "id": "eb16d6uh1tlxavy9",
  "local_key": "DkdHf5YT(",
  "category": "kg",
  "uuid": "tuya51a785e0e13f",
  "product_id": "mknd4lci",
  "dps": {
      "1": false,
      "101": "switch",
      "102": 86,
      "103": 0,
      "104": "up_off",
      "105": 100,
      "106": 41,
      "107": true,
      "108": false,
      "109": "////AA==",
      "111": 20,
      "112": "AAAAAAA=",
      "113": "AAAAAAA=",
      "114": "AAAAAAA=",
      "115": "AAAAAAA=",
      "116": "AAAAAAA=",
      "117": true,
      "119": 10,
      "121": false,
      "122": 100
ppcsite commented 4 months ago

Another ID can be added to the same "kg" category: "riecov42" It has the same IDs in Tuya API and it works well.