What's the configuration of phantom fCal 3.1, including the coordinates of points 1--12 and the triangular holes under the phantom coordinate? Could you please provide the phantom definition file of fCal3.1 just as 'PhantomDefinition_fCal_2.1_Wiring_2.0.xml' for fCal2.1? Or how can I obtain the 1--12 point coordinates of fCal3.1?
Hi! What's the configuration of phantom fCal 3.1, including the coordinates of points 1--12 and the triangular holes under the phantom coordinate? Could you please provide the phantom definition file of fCal3.1 just as 'PhantomDefinition_fCal_2.1_Wiring_2.0.xml' for fCal2.1? Or how can I obtain the 1--12 point coordinates of fCal3.1?
Thank you!