Open L-as opened 2 years ago
Some opinions here:
I don't like the van Laarhoeven representation, although we should be able to avoid that here. You don't even lose the category instance, since we anyway use DataKinds
I particularly loathe implicit subtyping, which no lens implementation, including profunctor optics seems to avoid. I think 'composing' a lens with a prism should use an explicit operator marking it as tht.
I'm going to spend today seeing if I can come up with a lens representation that I like, otherwise I'll just pick the 'least worst' representation, probably profunctor optics.
I think I'll stick with profunctors. I was making progress with my ideas, but I think it'll be too long until they're workable. I'll have to reinvent lenses some other time 😃.
So the idea is to implement profunctor optics in Plutarch, over Plutarch types. I see this as three stages:
.Some questions:
library? Some other library?I'm not sure we can use any traditional optics representation.
awesome resource (at least imho) :3