PoE-Profile / poe-profile

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Elder/Shaped item background missing #13

Closed eps1lon closed 6 years ago

eps1lon commented 6 years ago

First off: I've been using your website for close to a year now and I'm really happy you went open source!

Actual issue: Example profile: http://poe-profile.info/profile/raizqt/RaizWhatEvenHabbenQT Amulet, Ring and Gloves are missing the elder/shaper background.

The poe get-items api sets properties for elder/shaper to true if the background should be displayed.

IvanD87 commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the reports, should be fixed now.

eps1lon commented 6 years ago

Seems like you forgot to give .Amulet .icon width and height. Currently not showing elder background for the amulet in the mentioned profile because the icon has no width.

Other issues seem to be resolved.

Do you have any plans to invalidate the cache? This currently prevents a fast deploy of asset related bug fixes. Not sure how your build pipeline is set up so I can't offer any solution. Got way to comfortable with webpack and its automatic filename hashing. Edit: https://laravel.com/docs/5.6/mix#versioning-and-cache-busting this is probably a good start?

IvanD87 commented 6 years ago

Amulet css is fixed. We recently added cache busting for our js, have yet to do this for css we don't have much experience with webpack .