PoE-TradeMacro / POE-TradeMacro

Price checking script for Path of Exile.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Several seconds delay when using any command on specific item types #1112

Open MellyEspeon opened 4 years ago

MellyEspeon commented 4 years ago

Since 1-2 days ago I've been having this strange issue where some item types, when seemingly any command is used on them (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+F, Price Check, etc) will exhibit a consistent 7~ second delay before the macro responds in any way. This is not an API lag issue, this happens even on client-side operations like Ctrl+C and Ctrl+F. When looking in the Task Manager there's no activity from the process for those 7~ seconds, and then after that period it shows activity and works. Bizarrely, this consistently only happens with specific item types.

So far I've seen it happen with several types of currency, essences, resonators, fossils and catalysts. However, items such as scarabs, prophecies, rare (price prediction) and unique gear are still fast and responsive. It could have something to do with item stacks, but it doesn't seem to happen with divination card stacks.

Some time before this started happening I noticed the strange delay happen with some of these item types but it was inconsistent. Sometimes it would delay, sometimes not, but now it's permanent.

Reinstalling AHK and PoeTradeMacro, as well as deleting the config folder in Documents have all done nothing to help.

If anyone knows anything I could do to try and fix this problem I'd greatly appreciate the help. This makes the macro almost unusable for me as I often use its functions to price check/search in my tabs many of those items in bulk when managing my shop tabs and this problem makes that process many times slower.