PoE-TradeMacro / POE-TradeMacro

Price checking script for Path of Exile.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[ToDo] Bypass poe.trades cloudflare protection #149

Closed Eruyome closed 7 years ago

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

It should be possible to bypass this, here is a reference: https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/111944-winhttprequest-and-ddos-protection/

And here is a script that I made to test/develop this, it's just the current function to make the winhttp request to poe.trade: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13620316/bypassCloudFlare.ahk

Any help appreciated.


DoctorVanGogh commented 7 years ago

I would strongly advise against trying to circumvent any kind of ddos protection. Ultimately you're picking a fight with someone who's been in a cat and mouse game for years (and mostly winning).

Suggestions: Try to get xyz to offer some formalized interface for automated queries. Could probably be integrated into the personalized shop managemant system available at http://currency.poe.trade/shop

Something like an api key per shop account and you would set this key in the local script settings.

ghost commented 7 years ago

Poe.trade really needs to just release an API that outputs search results as json so you can use that data in an app.

DoctorVanGogh commented 7 years ago

That's the parsing/output side - let's try to get the access/input side working again first ;)

s1monxyz commented 7 years ago

Have you tried to reach out to Xyz on his reddit account? I'm sure he'll help you make it work.

rbarbosatoro commented 7 years ago

So the problem is that the "Security" they have just make imposible to manually send an HTTPRequest with AHK. As tank said, you will need to pass a fully writed form via POST, the problem is that Cloudflare redirects you before you can access the source of that webpage.

I can only theorize about the solution and that is to stop the redirect, something that is nearly as imposible without even visualizing the page.

If they have this protection "ON" now, is because they were suffering a DDOS attack , i presume. It seems that we will need to wait.

dpmack commented 7 years ago

Bypassing the DDOS protection isn't actually that big of a deal unless the trade macro is the thing causing the DDOS (from legit users). Which would mean that poe.trade will not work in the long run cause whats the point of a trade system if it only works when ppl don't use it widely.

The DDOS protection is really simple, when the user goes to the website, they are redirected, some javascript is run to confirm the browser is real, then a cookie is set so that the check does not need to run every time.

Thus all the trade macro must do is pretend to be a browser that is already cleared, if the macro makes the request using the same user-agent and cookies it is indistinguishable from a real browser.

I do not know how often the cookie changes, but so far my cookie has worked for atleast an hour.

For user friendliness we are best off making the script provide a pop up asking for cookie and user-agent when a failure is detected (502 i think). We can also provide a bookmarklet that would also get the cookie and user agent without requiring ppl to user dev console. (Though some ppl might be uncomfortable running javascript like that).

thirdy commented 7 years ago

How about employing an actual browser like http://electron.atom.io/

I know it's out of scope of this project. But I just thought that might help.

dpmack commented 7 years ago

If all else fails we can get ppl to open up their dev consoles to fix this (the cookies are httponly so javascript cannot get them).

I am currently learning AHK and comobj stuff because I believe this can be worked around with an non visible IE instance and and a pinvoke call. When I its close to working but not quite yet.

Jiinnx commented 7 years ago

i mean for who want a dirty solution the one with cookies works, but cannot add here since it is my personal cookies and i do believe everyone should do their own :)

anyway it looks something like this in the macro:

HttpObj.SetRequestHeader("Cookie",": cfduid=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; qca=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; userid=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; live_notify_sound=1; live_notify_browser=0; live_frequency=0; __uis=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; league=Breach; cf_clearance=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; OX_plg=swf|shk|pm; OX_sd=3; mb_uid2=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; _ga=GA1.2.601433097.1479816558; _gat=1")

thirdy commented 7 years ago

Here's a step-by-step workaround:

  1. In your browser. Open a new tab.

  2. Open the Chrome Developer Console by pressing ctrl+shift+j.

  3. Click on the Network tab. This allows us to view the actual traffic in/out of our browser.

  4. In the address bar, enter poe.trade and press enter.

  5. You should now be able to see the initial request for poe.trade and copy your user-agent. Make sure you copy it properly, triple clicking or highlighting should do it. See this screenshot: capture1 Copy this into your notepad.

  6. Next, get the Cloudflare cookies via the Application tab > Cookies > poe.trade. See this screenshot: capture2

  7. You'll need two cookies. __cfduid and cf_clearance (cf probably means cloudflare). Copy these into your notepad. Make sure you copy it properly, triple clicking or highlighting should do it.

  8. Next, edit this file: POE-TradeMacro\trade_data\TradeMacro.ahk. (You can use notepad, though it's worth getting notepad++).

  9. On line 1036, you'll see:

    HttpObj.SetRequestHeader("User-Agent","Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/55.0.2883.87 Safari/537.36")`
    • Replace it with your own user-agent.
  10. Add a new line after line 1042. Add this (of course, replace the values):

    HttpObj.SetRequestHeader("Cookie","__cfduid=d03c6f347eae223a8d6e0a54a07e3b21f1480833467; cf_clearance=c513ae763bcd95e2a7cacd69855ad5180a70fd32-1482347774-31536000")
    • Note the spaces after the semi-colon. It won't work if you don't have it. This will add a cookie as expected by Cloudflare. See screenshot: capture3
  11. Save the your changes. Exit the macro (if your running it). Start the macro. Here's me testing it:


Cheers! Shameless plug: checkout my new project called Wreaclast Online

Update1, /u/twiz__ posted a fix to make it work for currencies as well:

Copy the UserAgent and Cookie lines from the above section down below, to line 1088. Picture here: scrsht

dpmack commented 7 years ago

I have done a bunch of learning and I think I have a programmatic solution but its really far reaching.

To make things work you must get a useragent + cookie pair that match (probably IP too but that is free).

You can use comobj to make IE navigate to poe.trade, and IE passes the test since its a real browser, IE can be invisible for this.

comobj also allow us to snag its user agent easily, however the cookies we need are httponly (for a reason) and the comobj cannot see them.

There is a function in wininet.dll ... InternetGetCookieEx which allows the getting of httponly cookies, but with a catch, cookies from websites in 'protected' mode are hidden.

The cookie belongs to cloudflare (not poe.trade) meaning you can 'trust' cloudflare.com in IE which will allow that function to get the cookie now.

It is possible to pragmatically trust a website but that is done in registry and I think that's a bit dirty, even if we trust then untrust as soon as we have what we want, I am not sure about editing a user's registry.

We don't have to go all the way with these options either, we could ask users to trust cloudflare themselves, or less have to manually get useragent/cookie everytime it expires (with a GUI).

I think trusting cloudflare is safe but someone who knows more of what IE actually does with that trust stuff would be best to weigh in.

Another option is using an IE comobj to get the html of the page then parsing it from there, but that means users who don't like IE will have it running and loading all those ads and garbage just to do basic screenscraping.

Dixeet commented 7 years ago

dpmack, exactly what I have done too and its a fucking pain in the a**. If only those cookies was not httpOnly. Another poke that i made was to fill directly the form http://pastebin.com/wAExWeDx you can see a simply relative search done but it will be the same difficulty to dev.

dpmack commented 7 years ago

Those cookies are like that so we can't do this, and they work pretty well.

I don't expect this DDOS to go away (its probably ppl trying to force GGG make their own trading).

poe.trade cannot allow this script access in any special way since a DDOS could use exactly the same thing as whatever we get

So I think the only ways we solve this is by legit passing cloudflare's test, which is by using a real browser.

Dixeet commented 7 years ago

The other solution that we thought was to make nodejs a requirement.

With nodejs, it should be easy to execute the javascript sent by cloudflare, then submit the form and get the response headers with setcookies in it

dpmack commented 7 years ago

easy to execute but I have not looked into what the javascript actually does to confirm a valid user

it may do complex checks to confirm its running in a browser, and technically then we'd be working against the DDOS protection (meaning they can attempt to break our workaround)

while it can be argued getting the key and using it else were is working against, atleast we aren't trying to fool the detection script, and the key is to confirm there is an actual user, which is what we'd be doing

Jiinnx commented 7 years ago

Honestly its how they configured CF because they can select other options to protect against DDOS than cookies exchange (i work for a competitor of CF and we have 7 different methods for it based on different scenarios). Only thing is that probably default its with cookies exchange and its the easier to configure.

Dixeet commented 7 years ago

@dpmack this is a simple dynamic js script that we could execute in node to do the same thing i think. The only restriction is it has to be execute in js because there stuff like this var xVnYEFU={"QXc":+((!+[]+!![]+!![]+!![]+[])+(!+[]+!![]+!![]))}; @Jiinnx Yes you are right But if i'm correct Eruyome had an anwer from poe.trade dev and he should implement something more convenient to use his website

anonymous2ch commented 7 years ago

Or you could have just used https://github.com/Anorov/cloudflare-scrape or https://github.com/codemanki/cloudscraper as a client

Dgc2002 commented 7 years ago

Just to verify that cloudflare-scrape is fairly straight forward:


But yes, ideally poe.trade makes some configuration changes that take this issue into account.

dpmack commented 7 years ago

well i was trying to figure a way to solve this problem without requiring people to install extra software, i consider installing node or python better option than editing registry of course

if we aren't opposed to bundling an exe with the script we could use py2exe to package the python solution, then get it to give the ahk script the tokens it needs

but, someone said something about poe.trade helping out with this problem and i know nothing about what that entails

xyzz commented 7 years ago

The "helping out" part was about providing a way to open searches on poe.trade (the ctrl+q hotkey), so simply by allowing GET requests to /search instead of having to POST and extract the URL.

I don't see any way to allow trade macro access the API without making it trivial for attackers to bypass the protection (short of buying a separate server specifically for the trade macro and allowing direct access to it).

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

Ok guys, now that I'm awake again I'll join this discussion. For now I'll try to release a hotfix using thirdys step by step workaround. Probably with some file to write the information to, some popup if it's not filled out.

Then we'll have to see how to proceed, I like the idea of using cloudflare-scape or it's nodejs port, have no python or py2exe experience though in case this is not easy and straightforward. I don't like requiring a python installation, I think they can be a bit tricky sometimes, especially if you have or need different versions. Nodejs should be more user friendly.

Regarding xyz's help, being able to make GET request to /search would easily allow the "open on poe.trade" functionailty again, it would also allow opening the page in an ahk-internal IE. If it's possible to download the loaded page contents all the other problems would be solved, too. So we shouldn't ignore this option, I'm not saying it would be the best/easiest solution though.

anonymous2ch commented 7 years ago

NodeJS is installed with latest nVidia drivers. And there is NodejsPortable (http://gareth.flowers/nodejs-portable/) which essentially is everything we need to launch scrapper.

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

So, I tried implementing the fix explained by @thirdy on the dev branch https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/tree/development, but I can't get it to work on my end. Please tell me if this works for anyone and if not help me find the problem. If you find it you can simply create a pull request.

EDIT: I also tested https://github.com/Anorov/cloudflare-scrape, retrieving the cookies/user agent works, retrieving the page contents works (using a search url), but downloading the contents using the (trimmed down) curl example fails (only downloads the cloudflare page).

Nephera commented 7 years ago

Can someone post a quick tutorial (preferably with pictures) specifically for currency.poe.trade?

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

The step by step tutorial above also tells you what to do to fix currency search. @pgl33 Did you use my version from the dev branch or your self edited release version? If the latter is the case, could you zip the folder and upload it somewhere, I want to see if there's any mistake I made. Not that it's likely considering the small changes to be made... anyway I can't get it to work for me.

Eruyome commented 7 years ago


last screenshot above, same file

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

I just released a hotfix based on the latest release (it seems I broke something else in the dev version). It is still not the most user-friendly solution but gives some instructions and doesn't require script-editing.

Dagda47 commented 7 years ago

Thanks. The updated version does it for me.

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

Next step is to automate getting the useragent/cookies, for example with https://github.com/Anorov/cloudflare-scrape or https://github.com/codemanki/cloudscraper, possible also using http://www.py2exe.org/ or http://gareth.flowers/nodejs-portable/.

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure, can you try that without a VPN somewhere? And did you doubl-/triple-check that you used the right useragent/cookie values?

nooksXS commented 7 years ago

currency search is working fine, but item search wont work

even with the new version 1.3.0 only currency search is working

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

Have you tried to self-fix it according to thirdy's tutorial? Got any success with that?

nooksXS commented 7 years ago

i tried thirdy's tutorial before your hotfix, same problem with item seach not working

emrearapoglu commented 7 years ago

I think I found the problem, when you copy "cf_clearance" cookie, it doesn't copy all of it. Only copies first part before the "-".

I was trying the self-fix method when I realized my cf-clearance key was too short. Now it works with or without VPN, using 1.3.0 version. Sorry! 😅

engelswut commented 7 years ago

I had the same problem while copying the cf_clearance key, the column was too small so it was not the full key copied. I got the column wider and copied the whole key and et voila, everything works !

nooksXS commented 7 years ago


i change the default browser from Chrome Version 55.0.2883.87 to Firefox 50.1.0 and use the firefox web console to find the user agent, cfduid and cf_clearance und used these information

now it works for currency and item search

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

The development branch is now up to date, too. So please use it if you consider any development on the script.

Damaged2 commented 7 years ago

have same problem with cf_clearance So i use it "Edit This cookie" addon chrome

OzoneH3 commented 7 years ago

Hi, for convenience until this isue is solved I modified the cfscrape python script a little and created an exe with cxfreeze:

Download Link: get_cookie_data.rar

Running the file get_cookie_data.exe (takes about 6 sec) will create a cookie_data.txt with the format

useragent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36

Just copy the file over, done.

The script from which I created the exe is inside: get_cookie_data.py

Edit: Um automatisch beim TradeMacro Scriptstart die cookies abzurufen die Zeile 885 in TradeMacroInit.ahk von:

FileRead, cookieFile, %A_ScriptDir%\cookie_data.txt


Run, %A_ScriptDir%\trade_data\get_cookie_data\get_cookie_data.exe
FileRead, cookieFile, %A_ScriptDir%\trade_data\get_cookie_data\cookie_data.txt

ändern. Der get_cookie_data ordner muss sich dazu im trade_data ordner befinden.

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

@OzoneH3 That's probably all we need to get this working without user-interaction. I'm pretty sure though, that there will be people who don't like to trust some .exe file. Can you give me a quick overview on how to create this exe with cxfreeze? I could include the source files and a manual on how to compile it yourself.

OzoneH3 commented 7 years ago

@Eruyome Sure, thats why I've added the script as well.

Install Instructions:

CMD only:

Create EXE:

PS: Here is a pastebin to the script if you don't want to download anything at all: get_cookie_data.py

CMterio commented 7 years ago

so is there any way i can fix prophecies ? thank you for good working.

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

@OzoneH3 thx, will take a look at it. @CMterio what do you mean, fix prophecies?

CMterio commented 7 years ago

@Eruyome idk, everytime i try to check a prophecy with control+q or control+d he give me a wrong information which is the last item or currency i check before.


EDIT: Unique Belt Information in tooltip. Control+d

everything else is fine.

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

That's because it doesn't work on prophecies. https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/issues/33

@OzoneH3 So I followed the instructions you gave, everything seemed to go right (installations), used cxfreeze to create the dist folder with the .py script but when I execute the .exe file I get this error: the application was unable to start correctly 0xc000007b Any idea what could have went wrong?

EDIT: I get this when using cxfreeze, no idea if I need those http://pastebin.com/uSzWwsNw, probably need some of them...

OzoneH3 commented 7 years ago

@Eruyome Hmm, weird, first time I've used cxfreeze so not really. A quick google search indicates it could be a dll problem. Missing runntime or wrong version 32bit <-> 64bit.

Maybe take a look at this: stackoverflow

PS: I'm running a 64bit windows but have the 32bit python and cxfreeze version installed.

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

Ok, that could be the case. That aside, it doesn't seem like you can create a single, stand-alone .exe with cxfreeze, right? Would be nice to have that instead of a dist folder with 1000 files, unless you only need a small part of them...

EDIT: cxfreeze's description states "stand-alone executables" so it should be possible, it's not the case with the files you gave me though.

OzoneH3 commented 7 years ago

Yeah, it's kind of a mess. I'm not sure if py2exe creates a standalone because it's only working up to python version 2.7 and I didn't wan't to install an older version thant the one I already had, in case it breaks something here.

If people are installing python and cfscrape on their own, the cmd variant would be enough anyway. Creating the exe is mainly for distributing to people who don't want to install anything.

In that case just run the python script on ahk start. Updating the python script would be also way easier if anything changes in the future.

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

I can't really expect everyone to install python though, especially because it can be a mess (multiple installed versions, path entries etc). I think nodejs is a bit more user-friendly, at least in my experience, I have python 2.7 and 3.5 installed. Since my knowledge about this stuff is a bit limited I've run into more than enough problems^^