PoE-TradeMacro / POE-TradeMacro

Price checking script for Path of Exile.
GNU General Public License v3.0
935 stars 189 forks source link

"No Items Found" EXTREMELY ANNOYING #260

Closed turtle328 closed 7 years ago

turtle328 commented 7 years ago

Title says it all, I have no idea what I am doing wrong... What could possibly be causing this darn issue?!

turtle328 commented 7 years ago

I digged a little deeper, I think the problem is I am not getting a cf_clearance...

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

You don't need cookies. Are you using version 2.0.1?

iatethedinosaurs commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately, I'm having a similar issue on the latest version (2.0.2). Is there any information we could provide to help find what's causing this?

Things I have tried: Deleting the entire PoE-TradeMacro folder and re-downloading it. Deleting the user folder in Documents.

turtle328 commented 7 years ago

I had 2.0.1 when I had the issue, I'll try 2.0.2 but since JBalanzar still had the issue... I'm not optimisitc.

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

First of, tell me if ctrl + q on an item opens the correct search on poe.trade.

iatethedinosaurs commented 7 years ago

It does, that is what I have been using for now.

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

This is copied from the forum and the line may be a bit different, basically add the code before the Return, html in function TradeFunc_DoPostRequest. Don't use the exe file.

  1. Edit resources\ahk\TradeMacro.ahk and add at line 1141: FileDelete, %A_Scriptdir%\result.txt FileAppend, %html%, %A_Scriptdir%\result.txt
  2. After a failed search (no items found) upload the file result.txt in the script root directory somewhere without making any kind of change to it and give me the link to this file.

Make sure to upload it only after a failed search.

iatethedinosaurs commented 7 years ago

Alright, at the moment I'm at school and they have PoE blocked. I won't be home until 5 hours from now. Turtle328, if you are able to do those steps and provide Eruyome with the result.txt, the line to paste that code would be Line 1152 (in a clean 2.0.2 install). I will post my results as soon as I am able.

iatethedinosaurs commented 7 years ago

So I added that line of code to TradeFunc_DoPostRequest, but it doesn't seem to create a result.txt file after a failed search. The following is how my TradeFunc_DoPostRequest looks like: http://pastebin.com/cGG3nDq1

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

Did you run Run_TradeMacro.ahk after editing the file? And did you make sure not to edit _TradeMacroMain.ahk?.

You HAVE to edit resources\ahk\TradeMacroInit.ahk!

iatethedinosaurs commented 7 years ago

I am running the Run_TradeMacro.ahk after editing the file and did not make the changes to _TradeMacroMain.ahk.

The instructions you posted previously said to edit resources\ahk\TradeMacro.ahk. I searched for TradeFunc_DoPostRequest in the resources\ahk\TradeMacroInit.ahk and it did not find any functions with that name.

Update: Updated to 2.0.5 and now the result.txt is appearing in the root directory. Here is the link to the contents: https://goo.gl/kMllHH

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

Ah sry, that was an error on my part, actually told you the wrong file :p Will take a look at the results. Btw, it probably still doesn't work for you with 2.0.5?

iatethedinosaurs commented 7 years ago

No worries, happens to the best of us. :) Thanks! Correct, running 2.0.5 now and still no items found.

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

I opened your downloaded html as .html file in firefox, inspected it and compared it to a similiar search on poe.trade.

The resulting html is completely different. The script is trying to find those item containers via regular expressions, example with your html https://regex101.com/r/MK7QsO/1. Example with "normal" html https://regex101.com/r/qAh63G/1.


So first question, do you have any idea why your html could be different? If it were simply opened in a browser I would say maybe some script/addon is changing something but the download is done via WinHttpRequest, I have no idea if interference is possible this way.

EDIT: It's not impossible to adapt the regex to your case but that's hardly a solution. EDIT 2: Could you clear all your browsers cache? Especially Internet Explorers.

iatethedinosaurs commented 7 years ago

Crap, well I figured out why I wasn't getting results on my end. I am tethered through my phone (T-Mobile) using PDANet and have the Hide Tethering option enabled. After disabling it and enabling the native Tethering from the Android OS, I started getting results. So the method that PDANet uses to hide the tether usage is what's causing it not to return results.

However, I am not sure if @turtle328 issue could be the same as mine.

Eruyome commented 7 years ago

It could be resolved already, I edited your comment to mention him and will wait a bit for some reply before closing this issue.

turtle328 commented 7 years ago

Yeah, the issue has been resolved as of 2.0.5. Thanks guys! And no, I didn't use any tethering service, just plain old Ethernet, through Comcast.