PoE-TradeMacro / POE-TradeMacro

Price checking script for Path of Exile.
GNU General Public License v3.0
935 stars 189 forks source link

Cant price rare items but uniques work #827

Closed freddyE171 closed 5 years ago

freddyE171 commented 5 years ago

The script runs perfectly fine, but when I want to check rare items it tells me to check the poeprices_log. The price_log says:

Please post this log file below to https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1216141/.

Try not to "spam" their thread if a few other reports with the same error description were posted in the last hours.

Request and response: { "added": { "browserUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Delve&i=&w=1", "encodedData": "", "league": "Delve", "requestUrl": "https://www.poeprices.info/api?l=Delve&i=" }, "data": {}, "error": 2, "status": 200 }

AHK version: AutoHotkey_1.1.26.01 Windows version: Windows 10

Eruyome commented 5 years ago

Yout tempfolder should also have these files:

base64ItemText.txt itemText.txt encodeToBase64.txt

please tell me whether they exist/are emtpy. Or simply show them to me if they have contents,

freddyE171 commented 5 years ago

So I have base64ItemText.txt thats what is in there: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- 77u/UmFyaXR5OiBSYXJlDQpTb3Jyb3cgR3Jhc3ANCkNvcmFsIFJpbmcNCi0tLS0t LS0tDQpSZXF1aXJlbWVudHM6DQpMZXZlbDogNTcNCi0tLS0tLS0tDQpJdGVtIExl dmVsOiA3Ng0KLS0tLS0tLS0NCiszMCB0byBtYXhpbXVtIExpZmUNCi0tLS0tLS0t DQorMjEgdG8gbWF4aW11bSBFbmVyZ3kgU2hpZWxkDQorNzQgdG8gbWF4aW11bSBM aWZlDQorNTIgdG8gbWF4aW11bSBNYW5hDQoyOSUgaW5jcmVhc2VkIE1hbmEgUmVn ZW5lcmF0aW9uIFJhdGUNCis0NCUgdG8gRmlyZSBSZXNpc3RhbmNlDQorMzAlIHRv IENvbGQgUmVzaXN0YW5jZQ0K -----END CERTIFICATE-----

I also have itemText.txt thats what is in there: Rarity: Rare Sorrow Grasp Coral Ring

Requirements: Level: 57

Item Level: 76

+30 to maximum Life

+21 to maximum Energy Shield +74 to maximum Life +52 to maximum Mana 29% increased Mana Regeneration Rate +44% to Fire Resistance +30% to Cold Resistance

Only encodeToBase64.txt is missing

Eruyome commented 5 years ago


Try following my instructions from this comment.

freddyE171 commented 5 years ago

alright this is what I got out of there: C:\Users\Frederik\Documents\POE-TradeMacro-dev>chcp 1251 /f >nul 2>&1 & certutil -encode -f "%cd%\temp\itemText.txt" "%cd%\temp\base64ItemText.txt" & type "%cd%\temp\base64ItemText.txt" > temp\encodeToBase64.txt Eingabelänge = 306 EncodeFile hat Folgendes zurückgeliefert: Zugriff verweigert 0x80070005 (WIN32: 5 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) CertUtil: -encode-Befehl ist fehlgeschlagen: 0x80070005 (WIN32: 5 ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED) CertUtil: Zugriff verweigert Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

Its in german if you need translation let me know

Eruyome commented 5 years ago

No, I'm german, too.

TM uses the windows certutil tool to encode the item text to base64, which is the required format that needs to be added to the url.

I'm trying to find out what's up here but for reference here's a google link if you want to take a look for yourself. I guess it can get quite complicated since you mostly find stuff regarding issues with installing certificate services on windows servers.

Eruyome commented 5 years ago

Btw, I'd rather look for a different solution to get this encoding done, not using certutil. I'm currently testing something written in AHK, you may have to test this in a while.

freddyE171 commented 5 years ago

yea sure, thank you so much for taking your time fixing this I really appreciate it.

Eruyome commented 5 years ago


Try this, the new solution is implemented with the old one as a fallback.

freddyE171 commented 5 years ago

Eyy it works :D thank you so much

Eruyome commented 5 years ago

Nice, you're welcome.